1. Amanda Ripley

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(BTW: Amanda is 17 in this story)

  Its Amanda. Amanda Ripley. My father, Alex Ripley is the leader of a group called "Xeno's Hunters", a group for killing and getting rid of the unknown alien organsim. I am my father's second in command. I may sound serious, but really, im not so serious. I can goof some. My friends Samuels, Ricardo and Taylor call me Stiff. And yes I am a bit tense and uptight. But its not my fault that im part of the alien hunting group. My alarm goes off out of no where, waking me instantly. I sigh and smack the snooze button on the clock and rub my eyes. Since I lived on a giant ship called Sevastapol, I wasnt able to see the sun or the galaxies. Just old rusted walls. I quickly stand and dress in my work clothes, as in, suit for the day. I step outside my door, to greet my witch of a step mom. Since my mom went missing, my dad married a jackass. I give her the look I always give when im not in the mood for her bullshit.

  "Well well! Look who decided to wake up late Alex!" she says.

  She then delivers a slap across my face. It was so hard it made my burnt ear bleed. Yes she burnt me recently. Ill get over it. I grab my ear and I wince from the burning and throbbing. You know sometimes I think, if my dad really loved me, he'd get rid of this tumor of a bitch. She then turns back around and heads towards my dad. Id just laugh and watch if she got her face eaten off by a Xeno or a Facehugger. My dad walks over to me and we start to talk.

  "Mornin Doll. How'd you sleep?" he asks, trying to avoid eye contact with my bleeding ear.

  I roll my eyes and cross my arms. With no answer.

  "Look...im sorry punkin."

  "Ya know what dad? Stop being sorry. Just stop. Because your pity isnt gonna change anything." I say with a glare.

  I make my way to the kitchen and grab some water, and I head to Taylor's room. Taylor should be awake by now. I knock on her door and she opens up.

  "Oh. Hey Amanda. Whats up?"

  "Can I talk to you?"

  "Yea sure Rip. Come in and sit."

  I sit on her bed and rub my ear. I felt the cold metallic blood run down my ear lobe and cheek bone. It tickled me when it slipped down my jaw line. I hate her. I hate her so much with a pasion. I want her to die.

  "Oh my. What on Earth happened to your ear?" she asks grabbing a cotton swab and some rubbing alcohol.

  "The bitch slapped me. Again. Im fine really." I say pulling away from her.

  "No your not. Do you want an infected ear?"

  I finally give in and let her put the alcohol on it. Once done she puts a bandaid on it. I get up and look in her mirror to see several marks and scars. Hm! I wonder where those came from! Im so ugly. All these scars. Marks. I stay with Taylor and talk with her about the woman, until we're interrupted by Ricardo and Samuels.

  "Hiya gals. How ya doin." Ricardo asks while patting my shoulder.

  "We're fine. Just talking about Ripley's shit mother."

  "Shes NOT my mother. She's a witch."

  "Dont you think thats a bit harsh to say, Amanda?" Samuels asks while sitting on Taylor's desk chair.

  "No! Not at all! She can go burn in the pits of Hell. She's nothing like my mom, Ellen."

  "And I see that she got you again. Roight on your ear." Ricardo frowns and sighs.

  "Yea...she did." I say looking at the ground.

  "Listen. There's no reason to mourn over me, when thats simply not gonna do anything. My dad loves her, so I have to live with her bullshit. Probably my whole life. So dont worry about me anymore. Just expect some more bruises, burns and scars on my face. Yall will know why."

  I quickly leave the room so they wouldnt see me break down. I try to head to my room, but im noticed by the bitch.

  "Cmere girl. Now. Thats an order."

  I slowly walk towards her with balled fists, ready to swing if I need to.

  "I dont appreciate how you treat me. So for now on, you will treat me with respect. Or youll have the worst day of your life understood?" she says holding a sharp bottle opener to my eye.

She takes the sharp object away from my eye and she sends me to my room. Yes im 17 but I cant hit her. Or my dad will go ape shit and probably feed me to the Xenos. I cant take this life any much longer. I feel like my life isnt even a life. Should I end it all? Tonight? No...no I cannot. Ive got friends. That care. About me. I lie down on my bed and I shut my eyes, letting tears run down my face. I then crash asleep and take a long nap until nighttime hit.

  Oh! A new story! I wonder how this'll go! Peace yall⚡⚡✌✌👍😎

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