6. Acidic Serum

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What? I was back in the hospital. How? Did I sleep walk back? Noo thats impossible. Did Xavier and Parker take me back? Well im back in this prison cell. Whoopdy-freakin'-do. Awesome. Hate it here for real. I take the covers off and I stand up. I was so numb. Why? There was a small bandaid on my right thigh. They stuck me with something. Damn monsters. I stomp my way to the door of my room. I thought for a second before opening it. Should I open it? Screw it. I opened it, seeing Taylor and Ricardo down the hall. They see me and they rush towards me like if I was a Black Friday sale. Taylor hugs me while Ricardo hugs both of us.

"Omg! Are you okay?! We heard you werent here last night! Whered you go?!"

I remember I was with Xavier and Parker. If I mentioned them, id be in so much trouble. Hanging with a Xeno and a Predator. So I just keep quiet.

"I-I I didnt even know I left."

I say that trying to sound dumb or stupid enough to pull it off. Which I did. Acting skills on point! Before Taylor could say anything else a doctor comes towards us. Looks like he has news.

"Amanda Ripley, is it?"

"Y-yea. Why?"

"You're free to leave now. But before you go, take this."

The doctor hands me a little box wrapped neatly with a golden lace ribbon. I thank the doctor and me and my friends leave the hospital. I open the little box. Inside was a note. I open the note and read it.

"Well? What it say?"

The letter said:

"Im coming for you little brat. Your father isnt going to help you. Neither your friends. No one. No one will help you when they see what I got for you...watch your back...little bitch." signed, Marsha Ripley, my step-mother.

"Oh...oh god..."

"What? Whats it say?"

I hand Ricardo the note and he reads it. His face was filled with worry and so was Taylor's. I feel my eyes water up. I felt my heart sink into my gut and my hands shake. What does she have for me? Isnt she in jail? She should be.

"This isnt good. Not one bit."

"Well...all we need to do is protect Ripley from the step-ma."

"My...my dad. Where's my dad?"

"He should be back at the safe house. Why Amanda?"

"I need to see him. Ive just got a sick feeling in my stomach. Lets get back to the base. ASAP."

"Ricardo, Taylor and I sprint our way back to the safe house. No hesitation for stopping. Ricardo and Taylor were faster than me since my leg was acting up. Once we reach the safe house, we here two male screams. Samuels...and...my dad. I go to the key pad to get in, but it was broken. I hit the door with my hands several times, when Ricardo shoves the door. Once its busted down, us three rush in, to see Samuels....dead. Samuels...is dead. He died. My dad is on the ground with his hand up for defense. He was being swarmed by a weird looking foot solider. Dressed in all black, with a AK 47. I dont hesitate to run over and grab the soldier, and im instantly...hit against the head...and everything goes...black


"Ughh...my head...wh-where am I?"

I wake up...tied to a chair. My hands and ankles are tied with rope, rubbing against my skin. I feel my wrists start itching from the dry and scratchy rope. Same with my ankles. I look around and im sitting in the dark. All is quiet, until a giant lamp light turns on above me, making me instantly sweat. Other lights swiftly flick on, and I realize, im sitting in an arena. The floor was covered in soot and dry stained blood. The walls had claw marks and dents in them. I look to my right and I see Ricardo, and I look to my left and see Taylor. They were tied up like I was.

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