13. Being the Leader

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  ~~Xavier's POV~~

  I lay awake with my hands rested behind my head. To me, everything seemed a bit too peaceful. It's been more than a month since me and Amanda have been here. Ricardo got a girlfriend now. A horse centaur girl. Pretty funny if you think 'bout it. Instead of laying here, I decide to drag myself out of bed, and find Amanda. She was off probably doing important matters, but I need some company. I'd hang with Eugene and Turiq but they're off doing their own thing, and Parker and Elivia are most likely having a date. So, Amanda is my final resort. I leap from the open hole from the Ancestor Tree, also doing a flip to end my landing. I dust myself off and I venture off to find my girly.

  After some moments of walking I here talking coming from inside the meadow. As nosy as I was, I poke my head inside the bushes to have a look. And there she was. My girl. Her tattoos showed well, and her body looked hella fit in her pants. Amanda was speaking to another girl but the girl had horns, and goat legs. I try my best to hold in my laugh and I'm successful doing so. Once Amanda shook the goat girl's hand, I decide to surprise Amanda. With a lil' spar. Amanda then cruises her way through the meadow, fiddling around with her healing power. Whilst doing that, it was my time to make an entrance. Achieving my goal, I practically knock Amanda over from my spook. I get myself ready by cracking my neck and my knuckles. I extend my claws and whip my tails back and forth. Amanda's face looked frightened, but then formed to a serious look. She looked scared but she still put her hands up to her face.

  "Wanna dance dolly? 'Cause I do."

  Without a response, she motions her hands and forms two ninja swords, one on her waist and the other one on her upper back. Amanda sprints towards me and slices through the air with one sword. I swiftly move out of the way of the vorpal blade. I let her try to get me for a bit, 'till I made sure that play time was over. I kneel down and spin kick her ankle making her fall the ground. Once on the ground, I pull her upwards and she instantly takes a swing, pummeling me in my jaw. That didn't do a damn thing to me. Jus' made me smile. Amanda backs away some, ready for my turn. But, instead of hitting her back, I use my charming and seductive skills to lure her towards me. Once Amanda's face was a few inches away from mine, I head butt her head. Hard. Amanda collapses to the dirt and grabs her head in pain. Damn her skull is tough as nails it made me get some nausea. I then stand over her, blocking the glaring sun from her. It was a hot day today. Kneeling down to her, I speak.

  "Oh. So cute but so gullible at the same time. You need practice on that."

  "Hey. At least I tried. Ya know. I can banish you from my comunity right? You never hurt the alpha."

  "Yeah. You're the alpha out here, but I'm the alpha in the bedroom. You can banish me there if you want."

  Amanda rolls her eyes and giggles, rubbing her head. I help her up, and hug her tight. She hugs back, but tighter. Amanda and I then make our way from the meadow, meeting some youngins'. The kids were centaurs. Mostly bulls and horse colts and phillies.

  "Hi there Xeno! And pretty leader!"

  "Their names are Amanda and Xavier dumb nut. Right?"

  "Ha. That's right kiddo."

  I wrap my arm around Manda's waist.

  "I think they were making out guys."

  I hear that sentence, and I step forward, alerting the kids. I give my scary face, also growling and hissing. They flip out and they take off running. It was probably one of the most funniest things I've ever seen.

  "That's what I thought. Lil' freaks. Haha."

  "You're so mean Xavier haha."

  "I know. Sorry. Can't help it."

  Amanda and I then take a walk. We find Turiq and Eugene aruging over something stupid probably. We decide to enter the situation. Apparently Turiq told a rumor to the element holder girls about him having a small pecker or something stupid like that. Instead of helping I walk away with Amanda trailing behind me. Next we meet Elivia and Parker also fighting but not eachother. They were fighting a beast boy. A werewolf one. I was going to step up before Parker was gonna die, but Amanda took this one. She crept up behind the beast and softly knocked him out with her power. She bowed to Parker and Elivia, and was back to me. Amanda grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side. We then made our way to a cliff with wild soft grass. We lay there quiet and slow drift to sleep, but I stay awake...wondering. Wondering what will happen with Amanda. How she'll turn out. I know. That I will be here for her. Forever.

This one was random but i guess it works lol. Peace yall👍

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