4. At Home Drama

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  Xavier finishes the last tattoo, and I check them out. They all look so cool and beautiful. And awesome! Xavier did an awesome job.

  "Wow! Look at me! Im finally cool now! Yes!"

  "Oh baby. Youve always been cool. And I agree with you. They are pretty badass."

  Xavier grabs my over shirt and hands it to me. I put it on and I just remember something.

  "Oh shit! Ive got to get home!"

  "What wrong lil lady?"

  "My father is gonna kill me. Thats whats wrong Parker."

  "Wait! 'Manda!"

  I hear Xavier's voice yell for me, but I just ignore and jet home. The bandages were coming off my fingers, so my broken knuckles and bones were exposed. I didn't care. All that was on my mind, was to get home. I reach the front sliding door. I push the code into the key pad, and the door opens. Slowly. It was anti-climatic as hell. I can already see the angered faces of my friends and my father when the door is practically open. Once the door opened, I step inside the safe room. I feel everyone's anger energy rush into my skin, into my blood. I feel the tattoos start to itch, but I dont scratch.

  "H-hey g-uys---"

  "Dont "hey" us Ripley. You had us worried sick!! Where have you been?!"

  My father yells at me. His voice almost as deep as Xavier's. His arms were crossed, and his neck muscles tense up, to the point where a blood vessel might pop.

  "I ran away because that stupid bitch you call your "wife" said I was snooping around through her stuff when I was actually looking for a first aid kit!! And I find it hard to believe that you worried about me!! Especially you dad!! I only believe that my friends were worried and cared!!"

  Out of no where, a fist pummeles my face. I fall to the floor and a few teeth fall out of my mouth. Blood covered my lower lip and it filled my mouth. The woman rushes over to me and beats me up. Punch after punch. Kick after kick. I manage to push her off so I can get up. My fists were balled tightly, even if my fingers were damaged. I get a few hits in, but she decides to play dirty. She pulls out a switch blade, so sharp it can cut through glass. Ive trained enough to know how to handle weapons. But she was more skilled. Samuels and Ricardo try to distract her while Taylor try pulling me to the side.

  "You must stop! Or youll die!"

  "No. No! Im ending this bitch. Right here! Right now!"

  I rip away from Taylor's grasp and I kick the woman to the floor. Once shes down, I see Ricardo and Samuels with blade cuts. Ricardo had one on his cheek, and Samuels had one by his ear. I was so pissed. All that came to my mind was, "im filled rage and now its time to kill you. Bitch". I pull the woman up and I sock her repeatedly across the face. But it does nothing. She pulls the knife out again, and she gets me with it. She stabs me over and over again in my side, making me fall to the floor. She then keeps stabbing in my leg, my side, and my arm. I was quickly going to die if someone didnt do something. My prayers have been answered, when the Sevastapol Police rampage in and arrest the bitch. Who ever called the police, I was so grateful to them. I lied on the ground. Still. Quiet. Pretty much dead, but I feel my body being lifted up.


  "Ohhh...my head...w-wait...wh-where am I?"

  My head was killing me. I couldnt even open my eyes when I talked. I couldnt move either. I was so still. I try to move until I feel a hand hold my arm.

  "Sh sh. Try not to move so much Dear. Youre not in good condition to move yet."

  "Ta-Taylor? Is that you?"

  "Yes Hun. Its me. Your safe."

  "What...wh-what happend? Did I die? Is this Heaven?"

  "Aha. No sweetie. You didnt die. You were close to though. Goodness your delirious. You should get some more rest."

  "Where's Ricardo and Samuels?"

  "Oh. Hold on. Let me go get them for you."

  When Taylor leaves, I study the room and the contraption I was hooked up to. It was a pace maker and some IV. I run my hand up and down my side, until I feel hard lines on my side and my arms. Stitches. It all started to come back to me. I got in a knife fight with dad's bitch. I sigh in relief. I was so grateful I was alive. After a few minutes Taylor comes back with Ricardo and Samuels. Both of them had a stitch on their faces.

  "Oh lookie lookie. Amanda's up. From a three day coma. Howd ya sleep kiddo?"

  Ricardo sits next to me and pats my leg.

  "You guys go hurt too? Oh I swear im gonna kill that son of a bi---"

  "Now now Amanda. Best keep those thoughts to yourself. No need for negativity right now."

  Samuels hushed me and I stay quiet after. All four of us visited for a while until it was time to go home. Once everyone left, I was all alone. In this prison of a hospital. I felt lonely but once I thought of my latest friends, I was suddenly happy. Id love to see Xavier and Parker. And thats exactly what im going to do once I get out of this damn hospital.

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