Forever War

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~~Amanda POV~~

  Casted away in a dream, I'm instantly awoken to the feeling of Xavier's scaled tails wrapped around my leg. Xavier's arm was also wrapped around my waist, kind of suffocating me. I can feel his breath gently breeze on my ear. His breath was so soft and smooth. Also very silent. So silent, it seems he is...dead. I hallucinate, thinking he is dead, and I shoot upwards, making X's arm jerk off my waist, waking him instantly. I breathe heavily, but hearing Xavier's voice calms me down.

  "X! X are you okay?!"

  "Baby. Baby I'm okay. What's wrong?"

  "I thought you weren't breathing! And! And!"

  "Shhh. It's okay. It's okay. I'm alive. I'm not gonna die. I'm right here."

  "I'm...I'm sorry."

  "For what Manda?"

  "For being out of it lately. Freaking out for no reason."

  "It's okay babe. I think it's the horns you're growin'. Messin, with your brain a lil'."

  Xavier comforts me, and I chill out some. Breathing in and out over and over again, I lay back down, whilst Xavier has gone to fetch me some water from the pond. Once X brought back the water, I drink some of it, and use the rest to splash on my face.


  The sun was already setting, illuminating a bright orange across the sky. I sit by the pond, picking at the peeling skin coming off from my horns growing in. A qunari isn't a demon. I think. Lost in that specific thought, I hear a loud boom noise, with children's voices following behind. I quickly rush over to the troubling situation, equipped with my ninja swords. Seeing the familiar smoke black figure of Xavier, with the rest of our friends looking ready to engage in attack at what ever was behind the giant cloud of muggy black smoke.

  "What's going on?! I'm here!"

  "No! Amanda! Leave now! That's an order!"

  "What?! No! I'm not leaving! Who even is that?!"

  Out of no where, I'm bombarded by a heavy metal bar to my chest, knocking the wind out of me for some time. I wheeze and as hard as it was to believe, I lay my eyes upon....her. Marsha Ripley. She had white fluid coming out of her head and eyes. She was......a.....

  "You're an Android?!"

  "Isn't obviously you ignorant little brat. I can survive anything."

  Marsha lifts up a small hand gun, with a slight purple glow shining off the side of the gun. With no hesitation, she shoots the gun, and the purple light hits Xavier directly in his chest, making him fall to the ground. Elivia and Parker instantly charge at Marsha, but are also shot quickly. Eugene and Turiq are immediately shot too. With no mercy, I charge towards Marsha full force with both of my swords in hand. I howl a battle cry, and stab Marsha with both swords in her neck. White fluid spilled out quickly, spewing all over me. I jerk the swords out of her neck and she just chuckles. She was, invincible. Not even a sword to the neck could affect her.

  I back away slowly, until I hear a familiar growl and moan. No. She didn't. She couldn't. I look over at the aliens, and the tracing of all their veins, were purple. I could tell because their veins were literally glowing purple. It was the same serum she gave Xavier before. The Acidic Serum. Oh. Oh God no. Please no.

  I choose whether to stay and fight, or to run and hide. I decide to hide, since I can't take on all seven of them. I jet towards the front of the tree, and I use my healing power to grow a barrier in the entrance way. I hear all the aliens r---ugh that sounds disgusting. I don't even use that term anymore. I hear my friends rush towards the barrier of vines, and start to rip it apart. I feel my heart pound tons of adrenaline up and down my body.

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