It Can't Be

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  ~~Xavier POV~~

  "Oh God no!!!"

  I awake from a nightmare, not remembering what happened in the dream. It was late afternoon. I calm down, until I feel the opposite side of the bed where Amanda was suppose to be. She was gone. I sit up swiftly, and race out of the room, to go find the others.

  Once outside the tree, I see Ricardo, Parker, Eugene, Turiq, and Elivia, looking puzzled. I make my way towards the bunch, and they questioned me.

  "Where's Amanda?"

  "Have you seen her?"

  "Where'd she go? She can't jus' up and leave like that."

  I hush everyone up, and decide to speak.

  "Well where ever she is, we have to find her. No matter what. I can pick up her scent quickly, and she's not very far. So, Parker, Eugene, Turiq. You're coming with me. Elivia, Ricardo. Stay here and watch the tree."

  Elivia and Ric nod their heads, whilst me, and the other three immediately rush off into the meadow. We speed run through the trees, discovering the land the angel Nike has brought back to life, after the terrible war Earth had. Lakes, moutains were found, amazing me tremendously.

  It was getting late, so we stop for the night. Parker, Eugene, Turiq and I rest by a beautiful blue lake. I sence more of Amanda's smell. She was closer. It took us about 30 minutes to get to this lake, and Amanda was very close by.

  I skim my fingers through the blue lake water, cutting the water like a knife. After some time, I was the only one awake. So, I decide to head off to sleep as well.

  "Rise in shine sleepin' beauty!"

  I feel a hard kick to my side, making me wake instantly. I groan and growl to the feeling, whilst sitting up to see Turiq smiling. I practically tackle the runt down, but I control it. Whilst getting up, Eugene speaks.

  "We best be on our way lads. Can't wait all day to find her."

  "Let's go."

  We continue our journey once again, this time walking, not wasting all of our energy.

  After about 20 minutes, me and my search party discover a broken down temple, with vines and moss growing all over. I give my boys a nod, and we cautiously step inside the temple. Inside it was dimly lit by torches. I grab one torch, whilst walking with every sense loud and clear.

  Action has finally come upon us. Me and my search group meet a trap. A classic, where you must step on the right tiles to not meet your sudden doom.

  "Good thing we know how to climb."

  All of us connect to the wall, and scurry our way to the other side of the trap. I chuckle at how easy it was. Whilst walking some more, we discover...a female silhouette in the dark room. I motion my boys to stay put, whilst I investigate.

  "Excuse me? Miss? I am Xavier Avell Venom. Please show yourself and we will not engage in attack."

  With no response, I move closer. And closer, until the female snapped. She turns around, with flames coming out of her eyes. She had horns, claws, and a mane of fire. She screams a ear bleeding shriek, louder than what I can do. Without a doubt, she starts running towards me. I immediately turn around, signalling the others to run as well. They listen, and I lag behind. The girl starts breaking the old crippled walls, making the entire temple start crumbling down on top of us. The shaking, makes me stumble, but I don't fall. My crew were already outside the temple, wating for me. I had no time for climbing on the wall, so I just book it across the trap. The trap triggers off, making the girl fall into the trap of sudden death. Right at the entrance, I take a jump, landing on the flat rough grass next to my boys. The temple collapses on top of the girl, making it deathly silent. I take a heavy breath, trying to process what the fuck just happened.

  "Umm X? One question. Hehe what the FLYING FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!"

  I sigh and shake my head. Shortly after that though, the girl erupts from the pile of demolished rocks, letting out another ear bleeding shriek. Her flames were bigger, and her horns grew larger. She was a beast. My group and I instantly start making our way back from where we came from. Destroying the land behind us, the demon girl crashes and burns through the trees to find us. I look back at her, and all the land behind her was burned black and was flamed down to bedrock. We cannot let her get to the Ancestor Tree. She will destroy it.

  "Guys! We can't let her get to the Ancestor Tree! We have to stop her! Now and fast!"

  We stop in our tracks, halting the femme demon. She immediately starts fighting us, engraving burns onto our skin. We get a few hits in, but we got weaker from every touch she gave. We begin to run again, but the Ancestor Tree was in view. We had to stop. So we did. Fending her off some, we here marching coming towards the back of us. Then, Parker speaks up.

  "X! Look! Ricardo and Elivia! And the whole colony!"

  I swiftly turn around to face an army of element holders, beasts, and centaurs, looking ready to fight. The demon looked confused. I hold up my hand, then, flagged it down, signalling the army to engage in battle. Roaring a battle cry, I also charge into battle, ready to finish this. Once and for all


  After about an hour of fighting this demon, half of our army was severely injured. Element holders, mostly water and Earth holders, tried putting out the fire, assuming that the fire was the life source. It was working just. Slowly. Me and Parker kept fighting. The girl was defiantly weakened, but so were we. Our alien blood seeping out of our scars. Figuring out that our bites and claws weren't working, I spot a glowing stone in the chest of the demon. It glowed a bright yellow, very obvious to see. Now that I think of it, I've noticed the girl constantly push the stone back inside her chest.

  "Parker! Distract her!"

  "Alright! Ill do that!"

  I rush off to the sideline, hidden from the demon, whilst Parker distracts it. I get into my rouge instinct, wait for a bit of time, until I charge out from the shadows to strike down this demon.

  I charge from the hiding, running full speed at the demon. I jump on top of her, making the girl topple backwards. Whilst I was on top of her, I fight my way towards her chest, reaching for the yellow stone. After several attempts, I finally get the stone, making the girl scream in agony. I crawl my way back to Parker, and he drags me to a safer area. I face upwards, towards the scene, seeing the girl, cripple downwards, to the hot molten ground. Once she was fully on the ground, the air was filled with smoke and tiny fire pieces floating distantly around the area. The Element holders stand nearby, still cautioned. I, slowly limp my way towards the lifeless body lying face down. I kneel down noticing a familiar print on the hip of the girl. A tattoo of a Xeno. No. This can't be...


  I flip the her over, so her head was pressed on my lap, noticing her beautiful face structure covered in soot and dirt. I brush my hand through her messed up hair. I pull her upwards to me face, and I press my head against her forehead, feeling a connection. I then pull her into a embraced, warm hug. I bury my face into her neck, letting her hair smoothly fall upon my face. Then...I feel a hand come across my neck. She was. Still alive. I jerk my head from her neck, seeing her eyes filled with tears. A joyful laugh comes from her mouth. I kiss her instantly glad to hear her sweet little voice. I pull away, just realizing...that the healer and life provider of the Ancestor Tree...was a...demon of Hell...


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