9. Planet Earth and Ancestor Tree

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  ~~Xavier's POV~~

  "Oh 'Manda. You're gonna be okay. Youll be fine. Just hang in there."

  I stroke Amanda's face with the back of my hand. She was super warm. Her fever is getting bad. The top half of her was super hot, and the bottom half was as cold as ice. Her skin was more pale than before, and her eyes look more tired. She passes out on my lap and I carry her to the soft surface of the couch in the cockpit. I kiss her forehead and leave to talk to Parker. And of course. Parker is fuckin' around. Like always.


  "Dude! Shut up! Youll wake Amanda!"

  "Aight aight. Ill stop."

  "You know how to land this thing. Right?"

  "Of course I do! What do you think I am? Stupid?"

  "Defiantly. Hundred percent."

  "Okay! You dont need to rub it in Xavier Avell Venom. Damn."

  "Use my full name again, ill rip your face off."

  "H-hey guys! Hehe!"

  I turn around to see Ricardo. Hes sweating like crazy.

  "Howd ya get across? That jump is insane."

  "Well apprently I am skilled in jumping instead of climbing."

  I shrug my shoulders and turn back around to Parker.

  "And...had trouble with a familiar woman."

  My shoulders tense up. It couldnt be Coleman. I killed her.

  "Oh shit. Get down!"

  Ric's head is graced with a metal object, knocking him over. Who threw the object? Marsha. How? She was arrested! Twice! But she was covered in soot and blood. She most likely killed something. Or someone. I engage in attack. Me and Marsha brawl for a few when all of the sudden, the ship starts blowing up. I fall and slide up against the wall, also hitting my head. Amanda.

  "Amanda was on the floor face down. I run over to her and pick her up. Same with Ric. I turn to Marsha and she was slipping and falling all over the place. While down, I use my tails to pick her up, and chuck her down the massive death drop. She screams until...it stops. She is for sure dead.

  "X! We have to get out of here! Or were up for some burnin'!"

  Parker grabs Ricardo while I hold Amanda. He makes a whole in the windshield of the cockpit and climbs out. I follow. Me and Parker were literally riding the ship down to death. Once this weird white fluffy stuff cleared from my view, I see similar trees to the treehouse I use to own. Parker then hollers at me.





  Parker rolls his eyes and holds Ric on his back, while I hold Amanda like a groom holds his bride. Hey! A possibility am I right? A scan the area and I see a giant tree. Perfect to land on.



  "1! JUMP!"

  Parker and I jump off the flaming ship and into the tree. But the tree had...throns?! I get scratched up all over, doing my best to protect Amanda from them. It was a long ass fall. My god. Once I reach the ground Im almost knocked out. Scratches all over me. Parker falls a few feet away from me.

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