10. The World's Evolution

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  I sit under a tree close to the Ancestor Tree and think. What is this? There were no and I mean NO humans. Angels and hybrids? Element holders and beasts? This place doesn't feel like Earth at all. Everythings...changed. I rub my silky arabian pants until i'm snapped out of zombie mode. It was Xavier and with him was Eugene.

  "Hey Amanda! Wanna walk with us?"

  "Well your friend here actually wants to free run around the Ancestor Tree. Would you like to come?"

  Xavier playfully pushes Eugene. Seems they're pretty good friends already.

  "Sure I guess I could come."

  Eugene walks off like a professer would. He was smart and cool. Chill. Xavier helps me up and gives me a grin. I smile back but not with so much cheer. Xavier runs off to catch up to Eugene. I walk slowly once I see Nike healing an injured centuar panther. A young female centaur. Once healed she frolics away to her other little friends. I smile and jog to see what Xavier and the others are up to. Turiq and Parker were having a brawl while Elivia was referring. Im assuming its play fighting.

  "And hes down for the count!"

  "Aight! aight! Get off meh! You win!"

  "And the crowd goes wild! Ah! Ah! Parker! Parker!"

  I giggle at Parker's impression of a referee, while Xavier and Eugene and Elivia laugh. While the gang stands in a group, I stand on the side line, scratching my arm. I look off in the distance when I feel a arm pull me. Xavier wraps his arm around me. He rubs my back and side comforting me.

  "Jeeeewiz! Those are some nice tatts!"

  "Oh. Thank you Turiq. Xavier did em."

  Turiq looks at Xavier and nods his head.

  "So! Should we get this show on a road?"

  "Yeaaaa buddy!"

Everyone shouts excited and high fives eachother. I smile.


I immediately regret this decision. The gang and I are litterally probably fifty feet in the air. Were on the branch closest to the sky. The Ancestor Tree is tremendously huge. I fainted a few times on our way up here.

  "Okay! The rules of the game are simple! All you have to do is get to the bottom first!"

  "Piece of cake!"

  I jump off Xavier and stand pigeon footed. I look at the gang and back at the ground several times.

  "Are you serious?!"

  "Dontcha worry rookie! Take ya time! Ahaha!"

  I breath heavily and clench my stomach.

  "Ohhh fuck me!"

  "Gladly! Ha!"

  "I-I cant do it Xavier! I cant do it!"

  "Yes you can doll! Heres the deal! You make it down without dying you get a kiss! See ya down there beautiful!"

  Xavier leaps off the branch after the rest of the gang leaving me. Keep in mind I was the only human with them right now. Ricardo's off doing his own thing, so I cant do flips and tricks like the others can. Ill die. So I start running down along the branch. I have trained like jumping over walls and shit like that so I can get down. Just...slowly. I had no shoes so I could slip at any moment. I make my way down the branch. Im half way down and im actually starting to get the hang of this. Jumping and swinging. Its kinda fun. Surpringly ive caught up with Turiq. Looks like hes the worst at this. I wave at him and he waves back. I get quicker and quicker I feel like Im floating. This is awesome. The last few seconds I tree surf down a root of the tree. I see Xavier, Elivia, and Parker at the end of the root waiting. Once I touch the ground I stumble a bit to the difference of the surface.

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