Chapter 21

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     To make my day ten times better, I started my blood month. I quickly grabbed some sweats, a hoodie, and some boots and ran out. I jogged my way to a local Walgreens and grabbed some tampons, also grabbing two huge bags of skittles. I checked out and jogged back to the house. I entered seeing the sight of Tyler and smiled, knowing that it's just us, no one else. I entered my room, opened a bag of skittles, grabbed my laptop from my bed, and watched High School Musical. I clicked play and blasted the volume.

     I was half way done with my bag of skittles when my phone vibrated.

"Want to hang out?" 

                    "I don't feel to well."

"All were going to do is drink some poison and chill"

                    "Maybe, is it by the graffiti?"



I tossed my phone beside me and groaned, getting up with a massive cramp. I shook it off and got dressed in a over sized sweater, jeans, boots, and a scarf. I applied eyeliner in the corner of my eyes and left my room. 

 "Hey, where are you going?" Tyler asked.

 "Hanging with some friends. Don't worry." I say, trying to calm him down.

 "Who invited you?" He gets up from leaning on the counter, crossing him arms.

 "Niall." I chuckle nervously at his sudden mood change. He nodded and left the kitchen with a sandwich

     I walked out and felt the sharp cold wind brushing across my exposed skin on my face. The walk isn't bad but it's pretty far. I walk with my head down, glancing up once in a while. I walk on the snowy sidewalk and stopped at a busy street, I shiver and felt something heavy on my shoulders. The heavy coat warmed me up and smelled like mint, turning around I saw Harry, a white t-shirt, skinny jeans, and a small smile planted on his face. I see his shiver and gave his coat back, he refused.

 "You are going to freeze out here, take your coat." I sternly say. lightly shoving the coat in his chest. he puts on arm in and lays the other half on my shoulder. I didn't feel like refusing him and continue the argument. His snaked his arm around my waist and walked together to our meet up spot.

 "Paige." Harry breathed.

 "Yeah?" I say looking straight forward. Eagerly want to hang out with other people.

 "I'm sorry. I'm just, nervous." He confesses. Of what?

 "Nervous for what?" I stop walking and look at him, his beautiful green eyes glossy.

 "That you would runaway, from me." He looks down, fiddling with his fingers. My hand tilts his head up to look at me. A tear sheds from him I wipe it off and wait for his answer. "I did, a horrible thing that I can't forget. I want to but I also don't want to." He answers.

 "W-What are you talking about?" Trying to understand the situation that's happening right now.

 "I'll tell you later, in a warmer place." He fixes his posture and starts walking, dragging the other arm from him. I just stood there, anger and curiosity stirring together in a boiling pot. I see him walk faster and faster away from me and enters the alleyway. I start walking, after a minute or two I turn into the alleyway, feeling a little bit of warmth. I see Niall smiling at the sight of me and greets me with a friendly hug. I take in his warmth and entered in a weird building.

 "What is this place?" I ask, looking at Naill closing the door.

 "Well nothing, it used to be a skateboard place, but I guess people forgot about it. Get this, some skateboards are in storage." He turns to a closet and pulls out some skateboards.

 "We're going to skate?" I asked excitedly.

 "Yeah, I guess." Niall shrugged. I smile at him and skated the the group sitting on some stairs passing around a bottle of alcohol. I stop to get a little sip and skated away. I learned how to do some tricks before I came to England and it stuck to me ever since. I tossed my scarf on a railing and started to push myself to a foam pit I glanced earlier.

 "What are you doing Sulton?" Zayn yelled. I climbed to the top of this ramp connected to the foam pit.

 "Nothing!" I yell back, facing them with a smile, Harry chuckled and I blushed a little. What is it that he his hiding. I rode down the ramp and jumped in the foam pit. I hear Caroline scream my name in terror. Since she made out with my brother I covered myself with the foam squares.

 "Where did she go?" Caroline freaked. I popped up with a "are-you-serious-look."

 "Where else would I be?" I laugh and everyone joined me. One by one everyone jumped in the pit except Caroline. "Why aren't you jumping in Car?" I asked smiling trying to calm her down.

 "I'm afraid of pits, they are freaky." She sits down and the edge of the ramp. The same look planted on my face me her roll her eyes.

 "No, you're not. Just jump in, I'll hold your hand." I hold me hand up and wiggled it, taunt her kinda.

 "No, just forget it. Doesn't matter." Caroline smiles. I get out to find the bottle to spill it out, so it seems like I drank some. I see some offices in the upper level, I find my way up to it and see empty rooms. I enter a random room and closed the door. Then a click filled my ears.

 "I dated this girl and hurted her so much she killed herself, and she made me witness her death." Harry breathes out and plants his knees on the floor and cried. I looked at him, wide eyes, a hand covered my mouth, without knowing I felt my other hand on his back rubbing in different sized circles.


 Thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry I didn't update in like a week. I read some books to get inspiration, also I have school and some volleyball tournaments coming up. I know this chapter kinda sucked, I was rushing. xx

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