Chapter 26

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I walk past Paige’s door and hear Tyler and Paige scream at each other, I run to the door but remembered I’m “ignoring” her. I walk down the steps and head to school. I enter the school doors with eyes on me, suddenly I feel an arm wrap around my waist, Kate. I force her arm off of my waist and walk to my locker. Mummers are said around me, I ignore it but Kate walks up next to me. What does she want from me? I look at her and back at my books, I glance at her again and she is pulling down her top, enough to show some cleavage, some.

     “What do you want Kate?” I walk away, making her beg for my attention.

     “Where is your sweet girlfriend?” I cringe at the way she says girlfriend, seeming like she expected she wouldn’t be here. I won’t lie to her, if she doesn’t get what she wants she begs. Then clings onto you, and then basically tries to seduce you.

     “We’re in a situation.” I say, still looking forward. I hear her make a long hum, she is smiling. “So what class are you in?” I say, trying to change the subject.

     “Here”, she hands me her schedule, walking tall. She has the same classes that Paige has. This will be interesting. “Have any classes with me? I would be more comfortable if we have classes together.” She leans on my arm. I know that Kate and Paige will get into a fight, but the thing is, Paige can kick her ass so hard. I would love to see that fight. I smirk at the thought, but interrupted by Kate. “Why so smirky?”

     “I have no classes with you, see you at lunch.” I lie and enter the gym doors.

     “You liar.” She says. I look for Paige but forgot she is in kickboxing with Liam and Zayn. Louis switches with Niall, so I have two other people to hang out with.


                Rose came home and fixed up my hands, turned out the wounds weren’t that bad. Knowing I have to do laps in kickboxing, I don’t want to do any more make up work. I grab my school supplies and rush out the leaving Rose a light kiss on her cheek. The second bell rang so I have to rush to English. Running up the steps I see Cody at his locker. He looks at my hands then looks up at me; I give him a “I’ll-explain-it-later” look. I look at my English door and breathe, entering a door I spot Harry and his books in my seat. I tilted my head down and walked to my seat.

     “My friend Kate is seating here.” He says to me, everyone else is talking so no scene will happen.

     “Fine.” I spit venom at him. I go to the back, set my stuff down, and walk up to the teacher. I explain my hands and she lets me take the day off in her class. I hear a door open; I turn around to see a pretty girl in skimpy clothes. It’s close to freezing outside. My eyes follow her to see her sit next to Harry. In my seat. Kate I bet. I walk to my seat my purposely knock her stuff off her desk.

     “What was that for?” Harry and Kate say in sync. Their eyes piercing my soul.

     “Sorry, accident.” I say with a tiny smirk on my face. What am I turning into? I sit down looking at my phone, scrolling at random picture when I get a text from Harry.

                “Meet me in the bake room at the bakery.”

I ignore the message but her texts me again.

                “I know what you’re going to do.”

I stop breathing. He is going to talk about me running away. Shit.

                I wait in the bakery biting my knuckles, I hear a door open, Harry. He walks in with his head down.

     “Why didn’t you tell me?” He speaks.

     “How was I supposed to tell you? Just blurt it out?”

     “You were going to run away without saying goodbye weren’t you?

     “I was thinking about it.” I breathe out and sit on a tall crate. “Okay I was about to do that.”

     “What about your brother? Will he run away with you?” I look at him, this is crazy. “I heard you two yelling.” My jaw drops, I get up and breathe heavy in his face. I raise up my bandaged hands.

     “He did that to me, and you just heard it and didn’t try to help me!”

     “What was I suppose to do? Barge in their when your brother is mad? I would like to live.”

     “I’m leaving tomorrow.” I blurt out. His face softens, but that soft face is ruined by his hair. Him looking down. “Good bye Harry.”

     “No you are not Paige! You are staying with me!” He screams at me. I flinch at the rough words, who does he think he is?

     “Good bye Harry. At least you have someone who loves you.” I say walking out of the room, not looking back at him.

     “Kate? Oh no! She is a one night stand.” He says, he made me jealous and mad at her because she was a one night stand…

     “You’re sick.” I mumble. I walk out of the door and sprinted to Rose’s house. The quicker I pack and leave, the quicker I get to see my mother.

A.N. What’s your high score on flappy bird? Mine is 100. That seems so sad but I did it in class haha. xx

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