Chapter 14

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 Quick note, please be active, I really hope that isn't too much to ask. I  R E A L L Y  want to connect with you guys :) Also sorry if the time doesn't make sense, I'm going to edit ALL chapters when I upoad chapter 20 most likey, and this story might have a lot of these plot twists maybe.? Enough of that let's get on with the chapter. Enjoy :) xx


 Harry and I enter Rose's bedroom door and try to find some men's clothes, luckily we found a extra t-shirt and basketball shorts, which was kinda weird since Charles is around 40. I left so he can change in private and I jogged up the stairs to my room, and changed. I just didn't want to waste clothes and got back in my pajamas. I put both of our soaked clothes in the dryer on low and went upstairs again. I heard a knock at the door while wiping of the eye makeup and Harry enters. I told him were watching a movie on the TV downstairs and he follows me down. He chose the movie American Hustle, it had Jennifer Lawrence in, that's all I know. I popped a bowl of popcorn and planted on the couch, Harry sitting right next to me. We started the movie, and he snaked his arm around my waist. I remember I despised that guy, now I'm here watching a movie with him. Teenage emotions, why?

"Hey, stop tickling me with your socks." Harry whispers in my ear. I chuckle and scooted away but he caught me and brought me closer to him. "It's cute." He smiles, I smile with him. Over time he casually shifts my body to cuddle with him, but I refuse. I just have my head on his shoulder. The movie still was in the beginning, near the middle, but we heard the door knock. I paused the movie and heard Harry groan in annoyance while I get up, I look through the ittle peep hole to see Tyler shivering. I quicky open the door and pulled him. His face scared.

"What the hell happen Ty?" I say giving him a heavy blanket by a nearby closet.

"D-d-dad i-is back-k" His teeth chatter. My eyes go wide and my mouth fell open. He can't be. I glance to Harry with his long fingers tug at his hair. He doesn't want me to go.

"Is he close?" I start the fire too.

"I d-don't k-know." He says.

"He must be! We have to leave." I harshly say forgetting a little that Harry is here.

"No you're not." Harry breaks my worrying. "If you are going, can I come?" He shyly asks.

"No dude, you don't have the skills." Tyler's anger to our dad and a ittle bit from Harry he will go warmed him, enough fo him to get his posture straight.

"Yes I do!" Harry yells at my brother.

"He means do you have what it takes. If you get tired and we don't we have to leave you." I kindly say, shooting a scolding glare at Tyler. "This is for you Harry, okay. We've been doing this for I think 5 years." His eyes go wide from shock.

"Yeah, and plus a big group will show us on our dad's radar. Best if yo-" Tyler was interrupted by banging against the door. I tip-toed my way to the peep hole. It was Cody. I pulled him in and he nearly face planted on the coffee table. "Who the hell is this?" Tyler saying, grabbing the hood plopped on his back. I can tel he is past wasted.

"I'm Cody, You must be the father, "he slurs and chuckles. "Get it, it's Maury. Well If your the father I would like-" I cover my hand on top of Cody's drunk mouth, he still spoke but it muffled the annoying sound out of the room.

"You got to be kidding me right now." Harry sighs. I grab Cody's arm and carried him out the door and sightly push him out. I glance around and see a black figure. He looked up slightly more. I slammed the door and ran to my room to pack and ran downstairs again in a minute.. Tyler knowing what's going on he grabbed his bag and sipped some sweats on, Harry just standing still. This is too much, and it's in a rush, too. Then Ii heard a dook knock polietly. Then my father opening the door with a mile on his face, a different smile this time. His dark brown hair nicely done, a suit, and a suitcase.

"Paige, Ty!" He walks with open arms, Tyler blocks me. Christ this is going to be a long night. "I promise I won't ay a hand on you two." He says with glossy eyes. I walk past Tyler and looked slightly up to my father. "Do you need a punch Paige? A free punch, okay?" He shyly says. I hesitate, I fake a turn then punched him as hard as I can. He backed out on my hardwood floor. He landed and I turned around with anger in my eyes. Harry and Tyler laughing at our my dad on the floor, and then looked at me with a impressed look. 

"What?" I chuckled.

. . .

After about a few blows from Tyler's hand to our dad's face and hard kicks to them to, I think his jaw, nose, and a few teeth are broken. He woke up finally.

"So, Franklin. I'm going to tell you something and you need to answer quickly." Tyler stabs at our father with venom. "Why are you still chasing us?"

"I stopped chasing you the last year and went to rehab. I had a friend following you to update me if you guys were okay. I'm a better man." He tries to smile. I can see the deep purple circle where I punched him, he'll feel that in a few days.

"Okay, well if you changed, you should leave us aone okay." Tyler spits. My father shackes his head. "Then you haven't changed." Tyler opens the rented van's doors and kicks him so he falls, he spits up blood. Tyler lifts him up and carries his bruised body to a unknown field. He throws a dull, old pocket knife and the keys to the van in oppisite directions as hard as he can. "Find it, cut yourself out, if you can, find the keys, get back to the van, and don't come find us." He lays my dad on his back on a top of the fied and kicks his stomach, making him roll down a hill. "Also You don't know where you are, and have very low gas, and there is some water and food in the van!" Tyler yells at a body still rolling down the hill.

"Are you afraid that he might die out here?" I questioned him.

"P, he nearly killed us, he deserves it." He spits at me. I guess he was frustrated from the 3 day drive to the middle of nowhere. We walk back to Harry's car parked infront of the van, Harry sleeping in the back. I'm kinda glad he is here. We entered the car, Tyler driving and I in the passenger seat. I played a music station and we cruised aong the way. We hight be worry free now.


I know that was very random, I wanted this chapter to be exciting, not love exciting.The past showing up exciting stuff, and that was the first four days of their Winter break. I'M GOING TO GO BACK TO CHAPTER 13!!!!! Kisses!! xx

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