A irport

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Riley's POV

Me and Alfie were in a date before a while ago, but, I just ran away from that date. While me and Alfie danced, all I could think about is James, my amazing, sweet and adorable boyfriend...I mean... ex... ex boyfriend...I can't believe I broke up with him ! I broke up with the love of my life. How could I ?
Right now I just driving without even think twice to the airport. I know that James is still in the airport, but not for too long. I need to hurry up! I can't lose him. I just can't .


I was at the airport. But I was too late. James was already in the plane. I just started to cry like crazy. All those random people were staring at me. Well this is awkward.


Couple of days later...

Riley's POV

I called James already 46 times since the day he came back to London.. but he never answered. Not even once. But I get it, I broke his heart. He probably hates me. I feel like my life doesn't worth anymore without him.

James's POV

Riley has been calling me over and over since I came back to London. I never answered her calls because.. I know it's stupid but I kinda scared.. I mean, if she gonna tell me about her 'amazing' new relationship with this stupid Alfie kid ? I know she doesn't love me anymore. And that's hurting me so much. I can't live without my girl beside me. I just can't.

Riley's POV

James is keeps ignoring my phone calls. I had enough. I'll buy a ticket to London and I'll find James. I cannot lose him. I already told Alfie that we're over. I can't be with him while all I can think about is James. I'm telling Em that she'll replace me till I will come back.


I already in London. I know exactly where James's hotel is and what is the number of his room.


As I opened the door to James's room I saw him alone, dressing up. He's shirtless now. I mean, this is not the first time I saw him like that. but it has been a long time since I saw him shirtless. He's still looking so damn hot. But then he turned around, and saw me staring at his abs from the mirror.

James's POV

I was dressing up because the boys are waiting for me at the cafe. But then I turned around because my shirt was behind me, and I saw Riley. She was staring at my abs like she never saw them before, and when she realized that I turned around, she just stood there froze in front of me. Like she just did a crime and I'm a cop.

J: wha.. what are are you doing here ? You supposed to be to be in Canada.

R: I.. I came to see you. We need to talk.

J: 'we' have nothing to talk about !

R: 'we' have a lot of things to talk about !

J: oh yeah ? Like what ? Your stupid new boyfriend ?!

R: no !

J: so what do you want ?!

R: this !

Riley walked over to me and kissed me passionately. I was very confused. She broke up with me. Why would she kiss me if she doesn't love me anymore ? But I just forgot everything I thought about as I kissed her back and melted into the kiss. After a few minutes we pulled away and I hugged her as tight as I can.

R: I'm so sorry. About everything.

Riley said as she started to cry. 

J: don't even worry about it.

Riley smiled at me lightly as she continued to cry.

J: shhh... hey, I love you.

R: I love you more.

J: that's not even possible.

Riley and I laughed.

I got my girl back.

Riley's POV

I got my boy back.

Hey guys! I hope u liked this chapter! I'll update when this story will get al least 10 readers and 1 comment and vote. 😘


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