M arriage

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This chapter takes place about 3-4 years after season 4 ( James's age: 21  Riley's age: 20 )

Riley's POV

I woke up by James's alarm clock, but as I woke up I realized a few things :

1. It's Friday. Why would James's alarm clock be on if it's Friday... ?

2. James is not here.

R: James ? Hon... ? Where are you ?

I asked. But then I saw a note next to James's alarm clock. It says :

Hey babe ! U probably wondering where I am... well, come to the kitchen ;)

I walked to our living room, hoping to see James.

R: James... ?

I said, tried to find him. But he wasn't here... but then, I saw another note.

Hey baby ! If u still wanna c me, come to the park... oh, and dress up nicely :) even tho I know that u look beautiful even in ur pajama ;)

Love, James XX

I came to the park, I wore a pastel blue short dress, with a blue lace as short sleeves, which is James's favorite dress... he always said that I look cute with that dress. But again, James is not here... I found another note on one of the benches.

Hey girll ! I know that you're probably wondering what the heck is going on... but u'll find out soon... come to studio A ;)

Love, James XX

Ok... whatever he's doing, this is so weird...


as I opened the door to studio A, I saw a lot of candles on the floor, leading to the middle of the studio, which was covered by roses petals, which was organized as a huge heart shape. James stood in the middle of the heart, he was wearing a suit, and he had a huge smile on his face.

R: J... James... w- what is tha-

J: come here.

James said softly, cutting me off.
I stepped into the heart shape.

J: Riley... since the first day I've met you, I knew that I'll always love you. And since we started to date, I've been waiting for this moment to come. The moment when I think we both are ready for...

James said, and then he kneeled down. I covered my mouth. I can't believe this is actually happening right now.

J: Riley... will you marry me ?


James's POV

J: Riley... will you marry me ?

I said, tried my best to hide my nerves.
I'm so nervous. What if she'll say no ?? I know she loves me, I just being nervous. But still, I'm sooo nervous.
Riley's eyes were full of tears when I proposed her. I can't wait to hear her answer...

J: is that a yes.. ?

R: of course that's a yes you idiot ! Now come here and kiss me already !

Riley shouted excitedly. I stood up and we shared the most passionate kiss that we've ever had.

I finally can call her mine forever.

Hey guys ! I hope u liked this chapter 😍 I'll update when this chapter will get at least 80 readers, 18 votes and 3 comments.


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