N othing is wrong

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James's POV

Riley and I sat on my bed, just watching a movie.
But something was on my mind. Riley has been acting strange all week... I kept asking her what's wrong, but she always said that she's fine, but I'm not falling for it. I know her, and I know that something is wrong.
Me and Ri were still cuddling on my bed, now this movie was about to end, but I turned the TV off. Riley looked at me confused.

R: why did you turned the TV off ?

Riley said, slightly confused.

J: we need to talk.

R: about... what ?

Riley said, tried to sound like she doesn't know what am I talking about.

J: babe, we both know about what we need to talk about.

I said as Riley looked at the floor.

J: Riley... what's wrong with you ? You've been acting weird lately...

R: James... I- I'm fin-

J: no you're not. Riley, tell me the truth. Please. I can't stand when you acting like that.

R: it's... it's nothing...

J: Riles...

I whispered as I lifted her chin. We gazed at each other for awhile, And then Riley started to cry.

J: shhhh.... it's ok baby...

R: it's just... Em and I fought last week... and Emily said an horrible things about you...

Riley said as she cried harder.

J: ohh baby... why did you fought with each other in the first place ?

I asked softly as I moved a strand of hair off her face.

R: I don't even know.... I just went to her room to ask her if she know where my favorite dress is... and she just yelled at my and called me a stupid bitch... and she said some horrible things about you too... so I yelled at her back, to protect you from her insults. But she slapped me so I ran away...

Riley said as she continued to cry.

Wow. I feel so bad for Riley... her own sister did that to her... my poor baby...

J: look, Riles... ignore her, she doesn't worth your tears. Ok ?

I said softly and kissed her cheek and Riley nodded.

J: come here baby..

I whispered and Riley cuddled up into my chest as she cried.


I came to Riley's, and I knocked on the door, Riley's mom opened it.

M(mom): James ! Hi... Riley is not here she's at Michelle's...

J: I know, I came to see Emily ?

M: o... k ? Come in she's in her room.

Riley's mom said confused. I never really talk to Emily a lot...


I went up stairs to see Emily.

J: yo.

E: ugh James what are you doing here ?

J: we need to talk.

I said coldly.

E: ugh about wha-

J: about Riley and your attitude to her.

I cut her off.

E: *sigh* it's about what I said last week ?

J: yes. Emily, Riley really insulted from you. She literally cried her eyes out !

E: so, what do you want me to do ?

J: apologize to her !

E: ugh, what is she ? A little baby who get insulted all the time ?!

J: she's your sister and you hurt her feelings ! So grow up and apologize to her ! And Riley is more mature than you ever will.

I said, tried to protect Riley. There was silence for a couple of seconds but then Emily broke the silence.

E: you really love her, don't you ?

J: yes. A lot.

E: *sigh* fine. I'll apologize to her.

J: good. I gotta to go.

E: ok. I hope Riley will forgive me...

J: she will. I know she will. She loves you.

E: I love her too.

Emily said.


Riley's POV

I just came back home from Michelle's, and I saw Emily. Ugh, I don't want to fight with her again...

E: hey.

R: hey...

E: look, Ri... I'm so sorry, I just were really moody when you came to my room so I started to yell at you. I'm sorry, ok ?

R: wow... you say sorry ? That's new...

I said teasingly, showing her that I forgave her.

E: well, your boyfriend is a really good convincer.

Emily said as she giggled.

R: James told you to apologize to me ?

E: yeah. He really cares about you.

R: I care about him too. More than anything.

Hi guys ! Ik it's not the best chapter I wrote but I hope u liked it anyway 🦄 I'll update when this chapter will get at least 75 readers, 15 votes and 1 comment.


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