S cared

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James's POV

Me and Riley were watching a horror movie in my room, obviously Riley just hadn't stop screaming...

J: Riley, that scene wasn't even scary.

I said, starting to get a little annoyed with her.

R: yes it was !

Riley said as she buried her face in my chest, but I pushed her away.

J: ugh, grow up !

I said harshly, Riley gave me a confused look.

R: what's wrong with you ?

Riley said and ran out of my room, I ran after her, but I was too late and she already was in her car, driving away from me.

Riley's POV

I don't understand. James yelled at me because I cuddled into him ?? He got so angry because I was scared of a damn movie. I really offended by his attitude...


James's POV

*the next morning*

I woke up by my alarm clock, and as I remembered what happened last night, I felt like a jerk. I'm a jerk. How could I yell at my baby like that ? How could I ?? I need to apologize to her, so I called her.

R: hello ?

J: hey.. hmm Riles ?

R: yeah ?

J: can you meet me at the park at 10pm ? We really need to talk...

R: *sigh* ok, I guess...

J: great, see you at 10 babe !

R: do not call me babe.

Riley said very seriously, which made me chuckle. She's so cute.


Riley's POV

I went to the park, because James wanted us to talk. I hope he wanted to apologize to me, because I hate to fight with him...
As I walked to the park, I saw fairy lights on the trees, a big blanket and another blanket over it, and there was some pillows over the blankets. There was a computer in front of the blankets and a lot of popcorn. And then I saw James. He stood there, smiling at me. I walked closer to him.

R: James... what is this... ?

J: it's my way to apologize to you. Babe, I'm so sorry for yelling at you yesterday... I was acting like a jerk... that's why I planned to watch a movie on Netflix with you here, a rom com this time, and, it'll be perfect this time. I promise.

He said very seriously and with all his heart.
A smirk grew on my face.

R: pinkie swear ?

I said in a childish voice and James laughed.

J: pinkie swear.


James's POV

We watched the movie, which honestly, was kinda boring. But Riley liked it so I didn't care.
After awhile, Riley put her head on my chest as she kept watching the movie. I moved my hand to grab some popcorn, and I didn't noticed that Riley did the same, and our hands touched. We looked at each other and smiled, we started to lean in and after couple of seconds, our lips connected. This little kiss turned into a make out, which ended up with me and Riley lying on the back seat of my car, both of us naked. Riley's head was against my chest, and I played with her fingers.

J: babe ?

R: yeah ?

J: do you love me ?

I said with a childish voice, which made her laugh.

R: hmm.... no.

J: what ?

I said confused.

R: I'm kidding ! Of course I love you !!

Riley said as she chuckled and pecked my lips.

J: I love you too baby.

I said with a smile and we shared a short kiss before we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Hey guys ! I hope u liked this chapter 🐹 I'll update when this chapter will get at least 110 readers, 20 votes and 2 comments.


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