My First Kiss from My First Crush (Park Chanyeol)

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You would think that we're dating .Trust me ,many peope think we are . The sad part is , we are not . And I tell you , Chanyeol has been told me for a million times that we're just friends , just friends and not more than that . Being just friends with him is hard for me , since I've had this hopeless crushness on him for as long as I can remember .

" Oppa  ~ " Naja call out as she crawls out from the tiny pathway between the trees in her backyard . Her house is different from others around this part . Lets just say its bigger . The other house here dont have the kind of backyard she have , and she's been called the "spolied rich kid" before . But she didnt control which family she was born into .

" Oppa ..I cant get the ball . " she said while fixing her long hair . " You have to get it ."

Chanyeol walks over to her , running quickly along the pebble part in the middle . Yes she have pebble part and finally getting to Naja by the trees . " Pabo . How could you let the ball get there ? " Chanyeol smiles his perfect smiles to her , something that always warm her heart .

She smile too , not as good as him though . Never as good as his .

" You kick too hard , oppa .."  she pout .  " How the hell was i supposed to reflect that? "

" uh ? Did you try ? " play punching Naja's shoulder , before getting into knees , crawling to the space to get the ball . Quick confessions ," i love his little butt .  I love every part of him very truthfully. " 

I look down at my legs ,once again cringing at the fact that im wearing short shorts . Like short shorts . All my leg are expose, no lie . Other than my short shorts , i have this brown loose blouse . This style is totally a new things for me . No jeans and t-shirts anymore . Got to makeit a point , try to impress Chanyeol . Not like it will ever happen . BUt hey , gotta do what you gonna do right ?

Chanyeol come back out with the ball , wiping his hand on it to get some loose grass off it . " It wasnt that hard to get it , pabo ." He says , standing up again .

Naja is scoffing at him before she get to the other side of the backyard , indicating him to get back to the side before she kicks him .

Has he noticed my short shorts though ? What was he wants from a girl ! What else does i have to do to get noticed ? Dont guys like legs ? Well, the page on google said "Show your leg and cover your top ."   Not working ! 

The soccer ball flies pass by her face again , landing in the tree again . She was in awareness the moment Chanyeol started to kick the ball again .

Chanyeol walks over to the side of her backyards again , this time throwing his arms up in the air , his face flushed from laugther .

" You jerk ! " Naja yelled . " I wasnt ready .

" I thought you were ..." He counters , putting his arms in that protective stance that people do when  they're acting innocent .

" Me starring off the distance is explained everything that im ready . " She says , hitting his arms .

" Ouchh! " He said , covering his arms where he got hit .

Naja smiles and Chanyeol smiles . Causing Naja to smile even more , like usual . This all was just ends with us starring each other , all smiley and gooey . This is how people would think that they're dating .

She plays punch him again and again until they're in a little tussle .They push each other ,laughing and even make little tackle until one of her hits enough to send him to the ground in a hard thud . His hands around her wrist , taking her with him . They both on the ground .

I look over to my left and seeing Chanyeol look up the sky , beautiful smile plastered on his face .He says " wow " moving his head right to the left slowly , " the sunsets looks pretty ! I cant see this from my backyard . "

I look up in the sky too now , enjoying , mesmerizing the beautiful splash of pink , orange and yellow as the sun slowwly dipped away , allowing the moon and stars to peak over .I see this sunset almost everyday , but with Chanyeol here , its like im a child seeing the wold for the first time .Thats something i loved about him . His happiness , the happy virus who can make anything five times more exciting that it actually was .

" Oppa ..."  she turned over to his side , staring at his face with her both eyes .

" How long have we known each other ? " Naja bluntly asks .

" Ummm ..." putting his hand in his hair ,closing one eye tight in thought . " About twelve years now .."

" Jjinja ? Twelve ? Ouh that makes me feel old " they both share laughter after that and she realised that its the time for her to do something .

She slowly scoot closer to Chanyeol , hoping he wont notice . She scoot in too close , and their shoulder get touch , causing him to look at her ," Oh you're kinda close there .."

She clear her throat , adjusting her hair , before turning to her side again ." Umm so i like to say something real quick ." she says , trying to avoid her cracks voice but ofcourse her voice does and she sounds like a donkey . 

She tend to continue with her plans no matter what voice she gonna use later on , donkey or iguana , a plan must go on .

" Okay talk to me , " turning face to her now . Pulling out some nervous .

" well i begin . You know , we've known each other for a long time . And ive kinda been keeping a secret from you "

" Naja ..." he says , raising a hand to his mouth in dramatic type of shocked , " we promised to never keep secret ..."

" Yes, yes i know " She says ,nodding in every single words . " but this is like a big secret , and i dont want you to hate me for this . "

Chanyeol puts his hand on her shoulder and she does everything to not blush in that time . " You can tell me everything ,you still be always my bestfriend . "he says with his warm smile .

She sighs , " I , uh , have a crush on you . "

They both sit in silence . His hands which probably still sitting on her shoulder slowly grips her tighter and take it off . They both in shock. Well, the guy maybe more . Then she realises that she cant never go back in time where the words havent out from her mouth .

" Are... are you serious ? Like -like -like ? Like love ? " He asks , raising his eyebrows .

I hope i can tell him  " LOL im kidding man " but in the mean time , i dont think i can lie anymore . 

" Umm yeah , its like a love thing . I hope this doesnt change- " Ive been cut off by something ive  only seen in a dreams .Chanyeol grabbed my hands, pushedme to the ground and planted his lips on my lips , causing so much feels .I can feel heat on my face , gonna explode soon .

I want to push him away but my heart wont let me do it . I cant bear , im flooded with his kiss me passionately . His moist tounge inside me , i cant refuse . And there is My first kiss from My first crush . 


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