I Want You Back ( Request )

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It was Saturday. A very special Saturday night for you and Kyungsoo. It's your anniversary! l You and Kyungsoo have been dating for 2 years and everything is going great. Even though.sometimes you have problems but, you two work it out together. Kyungsoo is in the studio recording their new song for the new album. It irritated you a little that his schedule was getting caught up with your alone time with him. But, you didn't mind. You understood Kyungsoo's schedule. You were waiting for him at yours and Kyungsoo's flat . You watched TV to let the

boredom overcome you.

After 45 minutes of getting into the episode you were watching, you noticed that it was already 8:00 pm and Kyungsoo is still not here. You were getting woyrried. You decided to call Baekhyun and ask him if their recordings are done. You grabbed your phone and typed Baekhyun's number. After 3 rings he finally answered.

"Yeoboseyo! How are you? Oh, and Happy Anniversary!" Tao greeted you over the phone. You smiled at how sweet Tao was but the smile on your face quickly disappeared when the thought of Kyungsoo not being here randomly popped in your mind .

"Gumawo Tao. Uhm...Is there any chance that Kyungsoo might be there? He hasn't come home yet. He said you guys had to  record your new song. Is it done?" You asked while tapping your feet and walking around the house.

"What? Kyungsoo is not here, Hira. And what recording are you talking about? Our recordings our finished just last week." Tao explained. This made your heart sank. Kyungsoo never lied to you before why would he lie to you? You were getting more worried this time. You ran your fingers through your hair and and sighed loudly. You could here shuffling over the phone. Tao might be changing his clothes or something. You thought that maybe he was going to help you find Kyungsoo.

"Hira yaa, I'm going to find, Kyungsoo. I cannot believe he'd be gone on YOUR ANNIVERSARY. Stay there. I'll call you when i find him." Tao said as he hung up on you. You sighed loudly and sat down on the couch and waited for his call.


"Hira , I think it's not a good idea." Tao said as he looked at you with pity in his eyes. You were at a mall finding Kyungsoo .

Tao told you that the boys saw him walking to this huge mall. You didn't know if he was buying you a gift or something .Knowing kyungsoo, he loves shopping but he couldn't just shop without you. Not on your special day.

You two wandered around the mall and you and Tao went to this store called "Black Sheep" . You wandered and wandered and gave up. You and Tao looked over and over again. You two were getting tired. So, you decided to sit down. While you were texting Kyungsoo, Tao was surrounded by fans. Taking pictures and such. And out of no where, your heart sank at what you saw.

Kyungsoo was kissing another girl. You tried to fight back the tears but failed. Tao noticed you and so did the fans. Tao asked the fans to give you some space and just wonder off and hope to see each other again soon. He rubbed circles on your back.

"What's wrong?" Tao asked.

"Look." You said as you pointed to where Kyungsoo was. Tao's mouth dropped and stood up and made his way over to Kyungsoo. You watched him pull Kyungsoo from the girls' grip and hit him at the back of his head. You turned away for a moment. You didn't want to see Kyungsoo looking for forgiveness. He could've just think about what he was doing. That he was gonna hurt someone worth his everything.


You were caught off with your thoughts when Tao slowly helped you up. You looked at his expression. It was a mix of anger and sadness for you. This time, you looked over to Kyungsoo who was crying. He had red puffy eyes.

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