He Was Finally Mine ( ChanBaek Request )

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" I can't believe it! " Baekhyun yelled frustratedly at me. Tears prickles my eyes.

" Maymay, you know how I hate that! " He shouted.

" Mianhaeyoo .." I said for the billionth time. I turned and ran into a random room, slamming it closed behind me. I turned around and realized I had run into Chanyeol's room. Chanyeol had his guitar in his lap and he looked up abruptly.

" Whats wrong? " he asked, setting his guitar aside and jumping up to wipe away my tears.

" I got in a fight with Baekhyun. " I sobbed. Chanyeol brought me into a hug and patted my back .

" Boyfriends and girlfriends always fight. It's okay." Chanyeol soothed. He patted my back and led me to sit down on his bed. He pulled his guitar back into his lap and began strumming some chords.

I wiped away my tears and listened, knowing the chords. Chanyeol began singing 'Baby Dont Cry'. I was too engrossed in the song to notice Baekhyun had walked in. Chanyeol finished and I grinned up at him. " Gumawoyo ." I said ,smiling.

" Dont mention... it." Chanyeol said, trailing off as he noticed Baekhyun. I turned around on my spirits lifted,thinking he was here to apologize. But his angry face told me otherwise.

" Fine! If you'd rather be with him then we're through!" Baekhyun shouted. He turned and left, and I jumped up.

" He was just comforting me! " I yelled after Baekhyun. But he ignored me. I sighed and sat back down. Chanyeol gave me a hug again. I didnt want to admit it, but I was kind of relieved that Baekhyun and I were over... I sort of fancied Chanyeol..

" Dont worry someday you'll find your prince. " Chanyeol whispered to me. I looked up into his mesmerizing eyes. I wanted to tell him I had already found my prince, and he was right in front of me. But I didnt .

He closed his eyes and leaned  forward, and my heart pounded in my chest. At the last second, Chanyeol veered to the right and kissed my cheek. I began breathing normally again.

" Are you coming to our concert tonight? " asked Chanyeol .

I shrugged. Should I? Would it be right after breaking up with Baekhyun?

" I don't know..." I mumbled.

" Please come? eoh ?" begged Chanyeol . I sighed, how could I say no to that face?

" Fine ." I agreed.


I rode in the car silently, Baekhyun sit silently as well. There was a thick tension in the air. When we arrived , Baekhyun wordlessly went to get ready.

" Maymay, I hate to say it but Baekhyun is already seeing another girl." Chanyeol whispered to me. My eyes widened.

" Her name is Echa. They were... Kind of dating while you were going out with him."

"Oh." I mumbled. So he had been cheating on me? Pabo .

" Thanks for telling me. " I said. Chanyeol nodded and the boys went off to get ready while I stood backstage.

The night went by quickly and I was ready to go home when suddenly one of the boys' managers pushed my onstage abruptly. " I'd like to say something." Chanyeol said. The.spotlight shone in me. " This is Maymay. Isn't she beautiful? " He looked meaningfully at Baekhyun, who scoffed and turned away.

" Maymay, you are beautiful, dont ever forget it. I've wanted to ask you this ever since I met you but never got the chance... Will you go out with me? " The crowd went silent, waiting for my answer.

Tears of joy came to my eyes and I nodded yes before running and embracing Chanyeol in a hug.

He was finally mine.

Maymay bb !! Done with your oneshot request . Hehehehe :D

How was it ?



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