Idol or Bestfriend ( Request )

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Ruhae look down on the beautiful city . Waiting for the airplane made it safe land . She was mesmerising and show the excitement by looking from above of korea . Its been a while since they are away from home . The fresh air of korea let them forgot of everything at hometown . Chanyeol held her hand as the plane made its landing . He was not good in riding airplane but he threw away his box of fear to accompany his besfriend Lee Ruhae to touch her first step in south korea .

Two of them will be staying in south Korea for a week .she cant wait to explore the streets of Seoul.The plane landed safely, Ruhae took a deep breath at her first south korea air . She looked over to the left and smile with excitement looking at

Chanyeol , holding his hand and shakes it. Chanyeol grins and smile brightly upon seeing Ruhae that happy. 

Chanyeol has been keeping his feelings towards Ruhae since they were a little . But couldnt let it out . Because he doesnt want to lose their friendship . so he keep it in .

Both of them then stood up and walked to the door.

"wait. lets walk together at our first step in South korea" Ruhae stopped Chanyeol and holds his hand . Chanyeol move his eyes to the short Ruhae and smile holding her hand tightly and make their first step in South Korea.

"we made it!" said Chanyeol while looking at Ruhae who has both of her hand made into a fist near her chest.

After clearing security they took a cab to their hotel .

They finally made it to their hotel . Chanyeol and Ruhae's room are on the same level . Morever , their room are next to each other . Ruhae couldnt give up her stomach eventhough she was excited . Her stomach was growling . " ughhh im starving .."

However , she made it to her room and landed down her body on the soft bouncing bed . The luxurious room and full of aroma smell inviting Ruhae to close her eyes and revenge her sleep she that hasnt made when she was on the plane .

" I finally in koreaaaa !!! " Ruhae screamed due to excitement .

There's no big difference with Chanyeol . He lets off his big luggage as soon as he step on the hotel room and testifying the great quality of the bed . He almost fall asleep but up again when he remembered that Ruhae hasnt eat anything since morning .

" She must be starving right now.."

growl ~~~ growl ~~~

" haha mine wont lose anything tho ..arrraseo i'll fill you in a minute . " He rubs softly his hungry stomach .

Even though his tummy's crying out for food.Right on cue, Chanyeol still rang Ruhae's room door bell and suggest lunch,followed by shopping right after,but Ruhae preferr a quiet afternoon in a cafe..

Following Chanyeol around the shopping mall after lunch, her fee are starting to ache from all the shopping but Chanyeol show no signs of tiring.Unable to take it any longer Ruhae tells him that she needed a break and immediately plop down on a bench,contemplating if she should head back for the nap that she really wanted.

"ahhh this is nice."  She rest on her head on the bench .

" here." Chanyeol brought her an ice cream flavoured cookies and cream , her favourite one .

" how come you are not tired? thanks by the way .." She licks on the melting ice cream .

" maybe its because im not tired." joke Chanyeol .

" im being serious here Chanyeol ." Ruhae showed him faces.

" ahh. im actually tired but i need to get a few things for the hotel ...."

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