All of Me...

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Christine's POV:
After school, we went back home where I was in my room talking to Chris on FaceTime.

"So how was night school Christine?"

She asked.

"Oh you know, pretty okay, but it was good. What about you? How's life in VA?"

"Eh not much, just watching some animes in my room."

She replied.

"What type of animes are you watching now?"

I asked curiously.

"Oh you know my hero academia, full metal alchemist."

"First season or brotherhood?"

I asked.


"Go on."

"Ok so I watching fairy tail again."

"Which season?"

I asked curiously.


"Ah last season."


We then both sighed bored out of our minds.

"What about you Christine? What kind of anime are you watching right now?"

She asked.

"Well I am rewatching Diabolik Lovers right now."

"First or second?"

She asked.



We both sighed once again.

"Anyway, how's Japan going for ya? I bet you're having a fun time there."

"Hehe it is pretty fun here in Japan."

"Ughhh I'm so fucking jealous!!! I wish I was was in Japan with you so I can beat the living shit out of Yui!"

"You mean pop tart."

I assured her with a smirk.

"Nope it's spoiled pop tart."

"Oh no I have a good one, spoiled shit because her hair looks like pure shit."

"So true!"

We then laughed our asses off until Chris asked me about the Sakamaki mansion.

"Oh by the way Christine, what's it like to be living at a big ass mansion?"

"Umm well...."

I wonder how would she react if I told her about that I'm living with six hot vampires who are from Diabolik Lovers in he Sakamaki mansion?

I thought as I smirk at Chris's reaction, I was about to tell her until I heard a knock on my door.

"Oh um sorry Chris I'll call you back."

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