Christa's Warning...

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Christine's POV:
"Wha? Where am I-"

I was in a dark place where I wander around until I hear a voice.



I immediately recognized that voice.

That must be Christa...

I then called her out.

"Yo Christa where are ya? I'm right here!"

Then Christa appeared upon me with a worried look.

"Christa what's going-"

"Wake up!"

She cried anxiously.


"Christine you mustn't sleep!..."

"Please Christine you must wake up!"

She shrieks as I asked her.

"Wait why? Is Subaru in trouble?!"

"No it's worst, she's after you!"

"Who's coming after me?!"

I asked again, but Christa refuses to tell me.

"Please Christine there's no time left! You must wake up before it's too late!"

She then gives me a blade where I recognized that blade that Subaru always carried.

This is Subaru's knife, but...what for? Who does she want to protect myself from?....

I thought as I looked at the knife, I look at Christa curiously.

"Keep this blade at all time, and don't let fall into the hands of others please! I want you to kill, so please wake up now!"

"Hold on a minute!"

As I attempt to reach her, she immediately vanished from the darkness where everything surrounds me turns black.

*dream ended*


I gasped as I woken up from my dream, I heard a recognizable voice in my room.


"Yui Gah!"

I immediately dodged her attacks when I got up from my bed, I saw a demented Yui looking at me like she's a fucking yandere while she holds a knife that is stabbed to the mattress of my bed.


While she went on a fucking psycho rampage, I sighed irritably as I face her.

Geez Yui, this is the reason why I can't stand you, and I knew she would be demented as fuck geez what a complete yandere....

I thought as we on a dangerous face to face duel, our dangerous battle begins....

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