Christine & Chris's Anime Fun!

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Christine's POV:
After looking at Azusa's knife collection in his room,  Chris and I have a sleepover where we were watching a bunch of animes that Chris brought from home and right now we're doing karaoke where I was singing Chris's favorite song Hello kitty.

Come come Kitty Kitty
You're so pretty pretty
Don't go Kitty Kitty
Stay with me

Come come Kitty Kitty
You're so silly silly
Don't go Kitty Kitty
Play with me


I then finished the song with a cute pose where Chris is gushing over her favorite song and takes a phot of me posing.

I then finished the song with a cute pose where Chris is gushing over her favorite song and takes a phot of me posing

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*my cute pose*

"Kyaaaahhhhhh!!! Omg that was sooo amazing Christine!!!"

She gushed as she kept taking pictures of me.

"Heh heh thanks Chris."

"No problem! Besides, I'm glad to have a best friend who can sing!"

She grinned while she's taking pictures of me posing, we heard a loud noise coming from outside.

"What the hell was that?!"

Chris shouted.

"Don't know, we better look at the window to check."


As we go the window to check the strange noise, I gently open the window to see the Mukamis arguing over the microphone.

"Hey Yuma kun! Give it back! This song is for my Christy mneko chan!"

Kou whined while trying to get the microphone back from Yuma.

"Urusai, she's mine! This song is also for Christine!"

Yuma stated, but Ruki grabbed the mic off from his hand.

"No Yuma, this is a special song for my beloved Christine."

Ruki proclaims, but Azusa took the mic away from him.

"Sorry..Ruki, but....I"

While the four are fighting over me, I was very annoyed with Chris taking multiple pictures of them fighting over me.

"Omg this is sooo going to Snapchat!"


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