Chris's First Day of School...

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Christine's POV:
While we're in the limousine, all of us were doing our own things where I was a bit dissatisfied because Chris came to live with us which she forced him to move her there against his will, but most of the times I'm very happy to see my best friend again and I'm happy to be a vampire because I can torture her more mwahahahaha 😈 (if anyone is a Yui hater, comment below to join the Yui Komori haters club!)

"I can't believe you brought your own school uniform with you."

"Hey it's a special school uniform so don't judge me!"

She pouts adorably as I sighed.

"And I can't believe you're so prepared Miss Chau."

Reiji said with Chris shooting an innocent smile.

"Awwww thank you Reiji!"

"Actually that was a Kanato cosplay outfit that she wears in Katsucon last year."

"There's a cosplay of me?"

Kanato tilts his head.


Chris replied with a cheery smile.

"What's Katsucon?"

Ayato asked where I turned to look at him in a deadpan look.

"It's an anime convention that is held in National Harbor, Maryland."

"~fufu~ That sounds fun!"

Laito said intrigued by the place called Katsucon.

"Will it have sweets there?"

Kanato asked curiously.

"They do."

I grinned with Kanato smiled intriguingly.

Then Chris leaned to my ear giggling at Yui.

"Still I can't believe you actually pulled her hair out Pfft!"

"I sure did."

I giggled where both of us are covering our laughter with Yui irked by our snickers.

"Hey pop tart, nice hair!"

"Pffttt ahahahhahahahahaha!!!!!!"

I couldn't take it anymore where I started dying from laughter the triplets started to laugh as well while Subaru is holding hugs laughter with Shu and Reiji are smirking at her new appearance.

"Shut up!"

She yelled as I immediately took a photo, I went back to laughing my ass off where Yui is glaring at me.

"You delete that picture at once!"

She demanded, but I stick my tongue out mockingly at her.

"No way pop tart, this pic is going to be so viral!"

I said ruthlessly with a menacing smirk.

"Oh! Oh! Can you send me that photo!"

"Oi send oresama one as well!"

"Teddy and I want a photo of Yui too please?"

"~fufu~ Same goes for me Christy chan."

"I couldn't careless about the photo."

"Tch whatever, I don't even care if you did send that photo to me. (But that's really funny though)."

"Miss Duong, would you kindly send that photo as well?"

All of them asked as I nodded at them.

"Sure, I'll send all of the photos to all of you guys!"

Then all of them smiled with Yui's jaw drops to the ground.

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