Bonding with Subaru in the Rose Gardens

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Christine's POV:
After I have a great time at the graveyard with the triplets, I was walking back inside I felt someone is following me where I stopped walking and shout.

"What the hell are ya doing pop tart?"

I asked coldly narrowed my eyes at Yui who is behind me.

"Wha- How do you see me?!"

She cried as I rolled my eyes and sighed irritably.

"Because I can hear your footsteps from three feet away dumbass."

I said harsh with Yui puffing her cheeks.

"Ugh! I can't believe you got the triplets got into your side!"

"And I can't believe that you've think I would screw this up easily."

I said with a mocking tone and a fake smile

"Grrrrrrrr....whatever, you may got them into your side, but you better brace yourself when you face the most difficult Sakamaki brothers yet!"

"Let me guess, Subaru?"

I asked with a deadpan look with Yui's jaw dropped.


"Tch my god you're stupid as fuck, and yes I already know who's difficult or not, so mistaken as a dumbass bitch because YOU'RE the dumbass bitch here Orokana shōjo (meaning stupid girl in Japanese)."

I said hard-heartedly as Yui is shot by my coldest bloody words, I walked away from that dumbass blonde haired bitch not caring if she insults me back.

"Grrr...once you get to Subaru, you're going to regret it soon and you'll be leaving this horrible place where I will laugh at you watching your ass leaving this house bwahahahhahaha!!!!!"

She laughed manically as I got irked by her annoying evil laughter, I kept on walking ignoring her taunts.

"Yeah yeah go fuck yourself you annoying ass pop tart motherfucking bitch."

She then got shot by my ruthlessly cold words in the back where I smiled sadistically at her reaction as I left her dead with a shot of words still stabbing on her back.

While walking in the rose gardens, I look around to see how beautiful the roses are where I took a piece of white rose sniffing at it's sweetest aroma.

"Omg this rose smells so great, and it's so pretty too!"

As I admired the roses, I heard a loud growl from behind me.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

I then turned to see Subaru shooting a strong glare at me where I smiled sweetly at him.

"Why Hello Subaru, I was just admiring the roses that's all."

"Tch why did you come to this house anyway?"

He asked with a brooding tone.

"I came here because Seiji shithead told me too."

I said earnestly with Subaru looking at me with his intense red eyes.

"You should've decline his offer before you came."

"I should, but he said I have to leave tomorrow and here I am. Besides, I can't just disrespect my parents like that."

I said honestly sadly thinking about my family and friends until I heard him asking me.

"Did you miss you're family?"

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