Compromising Accident!(Chris I'm Gonna Kill You!)

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Christine's POV:
After literature class, I went to my locker where I was putting my books away until Chris appeared out of nowhere slamming my locker.

"Hi Christine!"


I flinched when she appeared out of nowhere.

"My god you scared the shit out of me!"

I cried with Chris smiling innocently.

"Heehee glad to see you again Christine!"

"Why are you in school?! You got yourself suspended yesterday and you said you don't want to go to school so why are ya here?!"

I demanded.

"I was happy that I don't have to school, buuut I became bored so Azusa teleported me back to school!"

She smiled putting up a peace sign where I groaned annoyingly.

"And where's Azusa now?"

I asked while not happy with Chris being here.

"He's over there cutting himself."

She replied with a cheery smile where I fucking face palmed at Azusa's irresponsibility.

"Seriously? He's cutting himself in a time like this?!"

"What? He couldn't help, but cut."

She said as I sighed.

"You got a point there. Anyway I'm going to be late for theater arts and you're going to come with me so you won't do anything stupid."


Chris nodded as she happily salutes.

Later at theater arts, I was painting the castle for the castle scene while Chris is lying on the floor listening to Kpop where Juliet meets Romeo during the night. Yep, my class is doing a Romeo and Juliet play and I heard Kou is playing the Romeo role of the play.

While I was painting the castle, a girl came up to me and asked.

"Hey Christine, so the girl who does the Juliet role is sick today and I was wondering if you want to take her place as Juliet."

"Huh me? But...I never act on a theater before...."

I said unsure about being the replacement of playing Juliet.

"Please! Every girl has their roles and nobody wants to do the Juliet role! So please so the Juliet role please!!!!!"

She begged where I immediately nodded without thinking.

"Alright alright, I'll do it!"

"Oh thank you Christine!"

"Yeah yeah, where's the script?"

I asked.

"Right here."

She gave me the Juliet script where I started reading it for four hours, but some reason I feel like Chris is planning something stupid.....

Chris's POV:
When I heard Christine is playing the Juliet role and Kou is playing the Romeo role, I start to smirk and giggle while covering my mouth, Christine is looking at me suspiciously.

"Please don't tell me that you're planning something?"

She asked suspiciously.


I replied with the best troll face, but Christine is not really convinced.

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