The Mukami Brothers

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Christine's POV:
While all of us are still dying from laughter, we heard millions of screaming fan girls where we turn to see the Mukami brothers walking down the school entrance where all of the fan girls are swarming around like fucking bats in the nighttime geez....

"Omg it's the Mukamis!"



All of us stood there shocked except Shu who looks at Chris with a deadpan look.

"You know them?"


She replied nervously where I gave her a skeptical look.

"Why do I have a bad feeling that you blackmailed them?"

"I might have....."

She replied with a sweat drop as I twitched at her, I literally punched her in the head harder with the Sakamakis stood there shocked.

"You know sometimes I think you're a dumbass."

I spoke coldly.

"Owwww! I'm sorry Christine!!!!"

She cried while rubbing her head with tears coming down both of her cheeks.

She cried while rubbing her head with tears coming down both of her cheeks

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*Chris's tears of pain XD*

"Can't believe you would something stupid ONCE AGAIN baka!"

I scolded at her.

"But that's what I always do!"

"You fucking blackmailed the Mukamis and you didn't even tell me about it?!"

I yelled.

"Hey I didn't know they go to this school!"

"That's not the point!"

While me and Chris are arguing, the Sakamakis sweat dropped until the Mukamis came in the school hallway.

"Oi are the girl that blackmailed us?"

The gray haired guy asked with Chris smiling cheerfully at them.

"I sure am! I'm the girl who blackmailed all of guys to be Christine's future husbands!"

"You did what?!"


The Mukamis became dumbfounded by her proclaims where I got very pissed that I grabbed Chris from the hood.

"What da Hell were you thinking?!"

"I was just trying to get you to have more future husbands!"

"Fuck no! You are going to apologize to them and you WILL do it!"

I demanded where I turned to the Mukamis with a smile while holding Chris's hood.

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