Tell Me You Love Me (A Scotland x Reader Fanfiction)

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You and Allistor Kirkland have been best friends for years. He knew every little thing about you. Your favorite food, your   favorite color, even your worst fears and your favorite fantasies....

He could read you like an open book.

And you loved it. You loved everything about him.

His dark, firey red hair, his deep green eyes, even the use of his vulgar language made your heart swoon.

And to think, this all started ten years ago.

The day of the accident.

The day that changed both of your lives forever....


This is going to be a Scotland x Reader fanfinction~~!! I'm having so much fun with my 2p! England x Reader....I thought I'd write another fanfic XD

If you dont know what a reader insert story is, here is a general guide:

You are the main character!!

(_____)= means to insert your name

(h/l)= insert your hair length

(h/c)= insert your hair color

(e/c)= insert eye color


enjoy and make sure to leave a comment or message me if you have any questions about the story~~!!


Tell Me You Love Me (A Scotland x Reader Hetalia Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now