Chapter 7: Thunder and Lighting

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(____)= name

(h/l)= hair length

(h/c)= hair color

(e/c)= eye color

(f/c)= favorite color


You blushed, processing what your red headed friend had just said, " want me to move in with you?"


     After thinking for a moment, you nodded slightly, "Alright, fine".

    How bad can it be?


    A week had passed and you had finally moved into your best friend's house. Although, it wasn't the easiest transition. Honestly, who knows how many times you had to stop that crazy red head from killing the moving guys! They're just doing their job, leave them alone!

    But, finally, things calmed down. You sat on your twin sized bed with your door closed, texting some of your friends. Allsitor was in the kitchen, cooking a nice dinner to celebrate your first night living together. Unlike his younger brother, Arthur, Allistor could actually cook. And pretty decent too. No burning the food, no fires, no guessing what exactly he was cooking. Just, a nice, normal dinner.

    "(____)!" He yelled from the kitchen, "Get down here! Food time!"

    Although, he could practice talking to others in a more humane way...

    "Coming!" You sighed, placing your phone in your back pocket before jumping out of bed and running down the staircase.

    "What's for dinner?" you asked, walking into the kitchen and sitting down.

    " was going to be haggis....but I decided that pasta was good enough."

    "What's haggis?"

    "I'll show you some other time~" he smirked, handing you a plate and sitting down, "Hey, (___)? There is uh....something I've been meaning to tell you....and I was waiting for you to finish getting settled in...." 

    "Oh?", you raised an eyebrow to indicate that you were interested in the topic, "What is it?"

    He blushed, looking away, "I uh.....really like...."

    Now, a bright blush spread across your face, "You really like....?"

    "ye....i-i mean yer new haircut!" He stuttered, quickly eating his food and standing up, "Yup, I like yer new haircut! It looks great! R-Really suits ye!" You could hear how nervous he was. His voice was cracking and he just kept talking faster and faster.


    "Would ye look at the time!? I have work in the morning, better sleep now, aye?" He laughed, quickly walking away, "Goodnight, (____)!"

    "A-Allistor!" You called after your red headed friend, walking after him, "Wait!" you demanded, grabbing his wrist and spinning him around, "What the heck is wrong with you-"

    He quickly cut you off, placing a large, strong hand over your mouth, "I said, nothing is wrong. Will ye leave it alone? Please....," Allistor frowned, pulling his hand away.

    "....fine," You nodded, stepping away, "Why do you have to be so stubborn....?"

    "I'm not stubborn!" He protested, clenching his fist.

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