Author's Note

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Hello my little cupcakes. Oh glob, I can't believe it's over >~< I had a lot of fun writing this story....

Also....And you guys are going to kill me for this, but, this is how I was going to end the story from day one. I had the idea and I stuck to it.....But, since a lot of y'all wanted him alive, here is an alternative ending. If you don't want to read it, skip to the bold print bellow.

    Just as you were about to turn to leave, a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around your waist, pulling you against the owners well built chest, "I'm sorry for yer loss....," you could feel the mans deep frown against your neck.

    "You should be in bed...."

    "He was just as important to ye as he was to me, ye know. I couldn't miss his funeral....Even if I did 'ave to sneak out of the hospital~" He grinned, making you turn around and gently slap his wound, earning a yelp of pain from him.

    "Let's get you back in bed, idiot....," You giggled out, looking down at the grave once more as the man's hand slowly intertwined with yours.

    "He would have loved to have attended our wedding....," Allistor frowned, "Poor grandpa Rome....."

     "Yeah....," you sighed, walking away from the grave, hand in hand with the man you love, "I'm sure he'll be watching, though~"

    He nodded, playing with the large  engagement ring on your finger, "Aye~ that 'e will be~~"

This is the bold down below XD

When a story ends, a new one should begin, right? I know I already have waaaay to many stories being written at the same time, but, I have so many ideas and I started writing some of them....

•Another Scotland x Reader (Bully Victim! Reader x Bully! Scotland)

•Another Oliver x Reader (Mad Hatter! Oliver x Reader)

•A Scotland x England (Hey, I ship it like fed ex XD)

•A France x Reader

•And....An Attack on Titan Fan fiction! :D

Although, I do not know when these will be posted, I know I will be writing them ^_^ I guess....Leave a comment down bellow if you want me to message you or something when the story is posted?

As Always, Don't forget to:

•Vote and Comment on the last chapter to save the endangered flying mint bunny species =^=


•And check out my other stories

I love you guys~~!!!


Tell Me You Love Me (A Scotland x Reader Hetalia Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now