Chapter 8: The Drunken Man

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(____)= Name

(h/l)= Hair Length

(h/c)= Hair Color

(e/c)= Eye Color

(f/c)= Favorite Color


    The fallowing morning, you awoke engulfed in the strong yet gentle arms of your Scottish best friend, your head resting on his firm, muscular, chest. You smiled, watching him as he continued to sleep. His chest slowly rose and fell, your head going up and down with it.

    A few strands of his firey red hair were plastered to his perfect face, which seemed a lot more peaceful during slumber. You giggled at the thought, reaching up and brushing the few pesky strands away, only to freeze when he opened one of his large, emerald eyes.

    "Can I help ye?" He asked, grabbing ahold of your wrist and sitting up.

    "N-No, I uh...I was just..."

    "Save it," he sighed, continuing to speak as he stood up, walking out of your room, "Last night was nothing, ok? You were scared and I didn't want to hear screaming all night, got it? Now....I'm going to the bar. Not the one you work at though....You have work today and I don't want to be a drunk little pest that ye have to deal with....Goodbye!" He called out, slamming the front door behind him.

    "Did....I do something wrong....?" You asked yourself as you stood up as well, frowning and confused. Why was he acting like such a jerk....?

{ Time Skip }

    It had been a long day at work. Not because of all the usual drunk costumers, but because you had one thing on your mind all day. And that thing was Allistor. You honestly had no idea why he had that sudden outburst earlier today, and you were worried that something was wrong with your friend....

   You grunted, collapsing on the couch in the living room the second you got home. Tired and irritated, you couldn't be bothered with anything else at the moment. Allistor's car wasn't in the driveway,  which made you come to the realization that he wasn't home yet, thankfully, "Damn jerk....He better not come home drunk....again....I hate it when he's drunk....," you mumbled to no one in particular, rolling over onto your side as you did so.

    "Do ye now?" a familiar voice spoke up. making you jump into a standing position. When had he gotten home?!

    "N-Not in the way you're just....get mean. Ya know?"

    "........I see," he grunted, stepping a little to close for comfort, "I'm just a big jerk~"

    "Allistor, what are you-" your words were cut off by a pair of soft, plush lips meeting your own. You could have sworn that sparks were flying, the way you melted when he wrapped his arms around you. The way your lips perfectly lined up, like two pieces of a puzzle....absolutely amazing.

    "I love ye....," he mumbled against your lips so quietly, that you could barely hear him.

    "W-What?!" your eyed widened in shock from the sudden confession.

    "I.Love.Ye," he said again, this time louder. His breath still smelt fresh of whiskey and cigarettes, earning a deep frown from you.

    "You're drunk...." You sighed, snapping back into reality. It was probably just the alcohol talking....

    "I am not!" he defended, tightening his grip around you, "I love ye!"

   "No you don't! It's just the alcohol talking! Y-You shouldn't mess with other  people's emotions!!" you screamed at him, shoving him off of you and running up to your room. Where you slammed and locked the door behind you before collapsing onto your bed, holding back a swarm of tears. "'re such a jerk....," You stated quietly, burying your face in your (f/c) pillow. He shouldn't go tampering with other people's emotions like that, it ain't right.....

    "Oh well....its not like he'd remember all this in the morning...." you sighed, knowing that your friend would have too much of a hangover to remember anything that happened today. This happens every time he gets drunk. And something like this would not be an exception.

    Or would it?


Author's Note

Hello my little cupcakes -3-  How'd you like the story? I know I know, Allistor is kind of a jerk when he's drunk XD Sorry~~

So, I decided to write a hetaoni story o-0 The first few chapters are already up. Be sure to give me your opinions and tell me how feelzy the story is, if you want to check it out XD .

Don't forget to:


•Comment your opinions


•And check out my other stories

I love you guys~~!!!!


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