Chapter 11: Tell Me You Love Me

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(____)= Name

(H/L)= Hair Length

(H/C)= Hair Color

(E/C)= Eye Color

(F/C)= Favorite Color


    People were screaming. Mother's were  covering their children's eyes. A crowd of people gathered around yourself and your red headed companion, nobody bothering to call for an ambulance. Just taking videos and pictures for social media sites like the sick society they are.

    "A-Allistor?" You mumbled, sitting up and coming to your senses. Looking around, you did not see your friend. All you saw was that damn crowed of people.

    But then.

    You looked at the ground.

    "A-Allistor!" You screamed, hurrying over and kneeling by your boyfriend.

    It was horrible....He was laying in a pool of his own blood, a huge gash going straight  across his chest. His shirt was ripped open where the gash was, and you could see just how severe the injury was.

    The wound itself was at least two, maybe three inches deep. The bruising around the gash was currently a deep shade of purple, maybe even closer to black. And he was loosing blood. Fast.

    Bruising around other parts of his cheat and his abdomen also indicated a broken rib or two. Maybe even internal bleeding and some damaged organs. 

    "(____)....," Allistor smiled, reaching up and tucking a strand of your (H/L), (H/C) hair behind your ear before cupping the side of your face with his hand.

    Leaning into the touch, tears raced out of your (E/C) orbs as you fought back sobs, "I-I'm sure that somebody called an ambulance.....A-And help is on the way~," You reassured, putting pressure on his wound, feeling guilty as his eyes continued to stare into your own.

    "Now....Love.....," He grunted out as he sat up, pain visible in those deep green eyes of his, "I'm fine. Ok? Just a scratch.... I wouldn't want ye to get covered in blood because of me...."

    "The only reason you're bleeding in the first place is because of me!" You cried out, frowning as you buried your  face in the crook of his neck. Where you sobbed and sobbed till you just couldn't sob anymore.

    "(____)," The red headed man frowned, tilting your head up with the tips of his fingers and trying his best to kiss the tears away, "Think of it as me finally paying ye back for saving my life all those years ago...."

    That's right....

    Ten years ago, in this very spot, Allistor tried to end his own life by jumping in front of a moving commercial van. Luckily, you pulled him out of the way just in time....

    "You idiot....," You mumbled out, not really sure what to say.

    "Aye, but....I'm yer idiot~~," He chuckled out, wincing in pain and gasping for breath. After you forced him to lay back down, he continued to speak, "(____)? I....I have a request...."

    "W-What is it? I'll do anything...."

    He smiled, leaning up and giving you a long and passionate kiss, "Tell Me Ye Love Me...."

    You nodded, about to speak up when the body before you suddenly went limp, "A-Allistor.....Allistor!?" You screamed, crying and shaking the man, "Dammit Alli, wake up!! I love you, dammit!! I love you....!!!!"

    Finally, the ambulance pulled up. The emt's had to hold you back as you clung to your boyfriends body, screaming and crying out the same three words over and over again, praying that somehow, he'd hear them:

    I love you.

    I love you.

    I love you.

    I love you.

{ Flying Mint Bunny Time Skip }

    Rain poured down heavily the day of his funeral. Oh, how he loved the rain. How he loved to hold you and tell you everything was going to be alright when a clash of thunder suddenly rang through the air. But now, not even the loudest clash could make you flinch.

    You looked down at the marble grave, bending down and placing a few red roses on the freshly placed dirt, "His favorite....," you sighed, unable to cry, for, you had already cried your heart out.

    Just as you were about to turn to leave, a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around your waist, pulling you against the owners well built chest, "I'm sorry for yer loss....," you could feel the mans deep frown against your neck.

    You quickly turned to determine who it was,but....

    Nobody was there....

    "I-Idiot....Trying to scare me even after death...." You choked out, it becoming harder and harder for you to speak the longer you stayed around the grave, "But, I'll always love you...."

    Then, you walked away, unable to stay any longer. The grave that was probably going to haunt you the rest of your life with guilt slowly disappearing into the distance. The grave that read:

    Allistor Kirkland


    Beloved Son and Boyfriend

    You Will ALWAYS Be Loved

    When you were gone, a man walked up to the grave, smoking a cigarette as rain danced on top of his porcelain skin. He looked down at the grave and sighed before looking in the direction which you had previously walked off in, "Ye better come and visit, (____)....I'll be here for a while....My love~" 

    Then, a gust of wind blew by, and the man disappeared into nothingness.

Read The Author's Note (Which is the chapter after this one) For An Alternative Ending Where Allistor Lives -3-

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