Chapter 3: The Grand Date (Part 2)

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(____)= name

(h/l)= hair length

(h/c)= hair color

(e/c)= eye color


"Alright, now for phase two," The red headed man smirked, dragging you out of the restaurant.

What did he mean by phase two!? A blush returned to your face as you thought over the possibilities.

He looked you over, noticing your blush, "Relax," he said, sighing "we're just going for a little walk in the park...."


Walking in the park with Allistor was a nice change from your noisy, busy city life. It was much quieter....calmer. Soothing and relaxing...

You enjoyed the sounds of the local wildlife that you normally couldn't hear from your small apartment on Baker Street.

The meowing of cats, the barking of stray dogs, the melody of owls and crickets.

It was all music to your ears compared to the loud, obnoxious honking cars and subway trains.

Allistor looked down at you from the corner of his eye, a rare smile on his gorgeous, pale face, "(____), I'm....sorry about saying you we were on a date earlier. Ye know how Gramps gets when he thinks that two people should be together....he wouldn't have left us alone at all tonight...."

You frowned, nodding in an attempt to hide your disappointment, "Yeah, I know...."

"Are ye ok?," he stopped, standing in front of you so that you couldn't continue walking.

Using his index finger and his thumb, he tilted your chin up so that you were facing him.

You blushed, looking off to the side to avoid eye contact with those beautiful green orbs of his, "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. Why do you ask?" You lied. The truth was that you loved him, and have been bothered by the fact all night. He just told you that he had taken you on a fake date, when you thought it was a real one. and now, you honestly thought you were friend zoned....

"Well, ye have been acting weird all night. Blushing and being more mellow than usual. Did....Did those guys do more then punch ye?" He clenched his fists, obviously furious, "If they did, I'll kill them...."

And you knew that he would....

After a few moments of silence, you sighed, shaking your head, "I just have a stomachache, I probably ate too much. That's all...."

Allistor frowned, seeing past your lie, "The truth, ye git...."

You hesitated, staying quiet yet again before stuttering out another lie, "I-I said I'm not f-feeling well! I'm g-going home...."

The Scottish man sighed, not wanting to put up a fight this late at night, "Fine, whatever. Do ye want me to walk ye hom-"

"No," you cut him off before he could finish speaking, backing out of his reach, "I uh....don't want to get you sick too....ok?"

"Ok...." he spoke with a straight face, still unfazed by your lies.

Knowing that you were able to go now, you sighed in relief, turning to leave. But a strong hand grabbed your wrist, causing you to stop dead in your tracks.

"(____)," Allistor mumbled your name quietly, pulling you closer so that he was able to hug you from behind.

"Y-Yes?" you stuttered/squeaked, blushing furiously.

He mumbled softly again. So soft this time, that you couldn't even hear him.

"Hm?" you asked, looking over your shoulder at him, smiling as you inhaled his familiar scent.

"Nothing...." he let go, turning away, "Just go home...."


"Its getting late," the red headed man rudely interrupted you.

"What did you-"

He interrupted you yet again, looking off to the side as he did so, "Ye have work tomorrow...."

"...." you sighed, slowly walking away. Why does he always have to be so stubborn? You pondered on this question as you made your way home. Its something you never really understood about him....


To be continued....

Sorry about the long wait guys, I had a slight case of writers block >~<

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-and fallow

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I love you guys~!


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