Chapter 4: Flashbacks

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(____)= name

(h/l)= hair length

(h/c)= hair color

(e/c)= eye color

(f/c)= favorite color


He mumbled softly again. So soft this time, that you couldn't even hear him.

"Hm?" you asked, looking over your shoulder at him, smiling as you inhaled his familiar scent.

"Nothing...." he let go, turning away, "Just go home...."


"Its getting late," the red headed man rudely interrupted you.

"What did you-"

He interrupted you yet again, looking off to the side as he did so, "Ye have work tomorrow...."

"...." you sighed, slowly walking away. Why does he always have to be so stubborn? You pondered on this question as you made your way home. Its something you never really understood about him....


Rain started to pour like cats and dogs as you made your way back to your small apartment on Baker Street.

"Great. Just great," You mumbled under your breath, rolling your eyes.

Just what you needed....

You made a dart for a nearby Barnes and Noble, who's lights were the only thing that you could see in the downpour happening before you.

As you entered, you shook your head, mimicking a dog as you tried to shake the water out of your (h/l) (h/c) hair, then wringing out some of the water trapped in your medium length, (f/c) dress. 

You froze, looking up at the people around you. You could have sworn you heard a few mumbles and chuckles. All of course only happening within your head....

Paranoid, you didn't realize that right away. You actually thought that these innocent people were making fun of you, mocking you. Making a wave of horror take over your body, flashbacks of your disastrous childhood flooding your mind.

The laughter of children, the pointing and mocking. The chanting and name calling.

Your heart rate picked up, your palms sweating as anxiety attack started to emerge.

Not caring about the storm, you ran out of the Barnes and Noble, running all the way back to your apartment on 221 Baker Street, becoming soaked from the pouring rain in the process.

[ Flying Mint Bunny Time Skip ]

You nearly broke your door down, trying to get into your apartment as fast as you could in a panic, fearing that someone would walk down the dark, cramped hallway only to see your tear stained face. It had only been a few mere minutes since you ran out of the local Barnes and Nobel and yet your nose and (e/c) eyes were already red and swollen from the sobs you let out in the privacy of the heavy rain.


You entered your dark apartment, feeling around for the light switch. Which you only found thanks to a flash of lightening, which was quickly fallowed by a loud clash of thunder that had the power to shake the floor beneath your feet.

Quickly, you made your way to your rather large bedroom, where you collapsed on your queen size bed, sobbing into your soft, (f/c) pillow as more flashbacks controlled your mind.

Flashbacks of children calling you names, shoving you against lockers and always picking you last in sports games.

Flashbacks of your siblings and parents making side comments that they always thought were nothing, but in reality, they pierced your already fragile heart.

Flashbacks of even total strangers laughing and pointing at you for stupid things like tripping in the supermarket and dropping a milk carton, which resulted in you laying facedown in a pool of 2% milk.

And then, you began having a flashback that you wish you could just lock away in a box and drop to the bottom most layer of the sea.

"No no no no...." you started hyperventilating.

Even though that day ended good, it started off as the worst day of your life.

The day you almost died....

....But....It was also the day you chose to forget  your past, and save your now best friend and crush from death as well....

Sorry for such a short, poor chapter guys > _ <
Originally, I was going to have just Allistor be the one who faced certain death in his childhood, but then I thought, hey, why not have him be able to relate to the reader. No? Hopefully, it turns out good, otherwise I'm going to have to rewrite this entire chapter DX

Don't forget to:
-And Fallow

Also, check out my other stories 

I love you guys~~!!!!


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