Chapter 5: Friendships

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(____)= name

(h/l)= hair length

(h/c)= hair color

(e/c)= eye color


And then, you began having a flashback that you wish you could just lock away in a box and drop to the bottom most layer of the sea.

"No no no no...." you started hyperventilating.

Even though that day ended good, it started off as the worst day of your life.

The day you almost died....

....But....It was also the day you chose to forget  your past, and save your now best friend and crush from death as well....


[ Enter Flashback: Ten Years Ago, Today ]

    "Mom, I'm going out!" you called as you placed your black, converse sneakers on by the front door, "need anything while I'm out?" Truthfully, you weren't planning on coming back, but hey. Don't wanna worry anybody, right?

    "Milk and eggs!" She shouted out from her position on the living room couch. She was always there on Mondays. It was her only day to get dead drunk without having to worry about messing up work. And the couch was pretty comfortable....

    You shuttered at the thought of your mothers job....if you could call it that.

All she does is dance around a pole in your basement while countless drunks wander in and out of your two story family home....

Sighing, you quickly exited the building, making sure to firmly lock the front door behind you.

{ Time Skip }

You had been walking around for hours, searching for the perfect place to do it....

The park was too crowded, the graveyard was too cheesy.....

Jumping from a bridge would draw too much attention, and that was definitely something you didn't want.


How did your dad do it? You asked yourself, trying to remember the day your father had died. Unfortunately, you were very young at the time. And well, younger memories are always fuzzy....

Suddenly, you heard shouting from around the corner.

"Hey kid! Get out of the road!"

"You're going to get hit by a car!"

"Why is he just sitting there?!"

Quickly, you turned the corner to see what all the commotion was about. And there, sitting dead center in the road, with his eyes closed, was a young, red headed boy about your age. 

"He's going to get hurt...." you thought to yourself, sighing and mumbling under your breath, "maybe that's how I should do it. Jumping in front of a car...."

The boy stood up, opening his emerald green eyes and flipping off the bystanders, "Why don't ye just feck off!? Can't ye see I'm busy?!"

"Fine! See if we care you ungrateful brat!" One man scowled, walking away.

"Go ahead and get hit by a car! Don't expect us at your funeral!" A young lady sighed, following the man who spoke before her.

Smiling, you continued to walk, thinking that the kid was going to leave the road. But he didn't. The red head just kind of stood there, staring up at the sky as the clouds slowly waltzed by, "why can't ye just let me die already.....?" he asked the sky, mumbling these words under his breath.

But, you heard them. And oh did those words make you cringe. Just the thought of someone being in the same situation as broke your heart. And it mad you feel as tough it was your duty to stop him....

So, with that thought in mind, you turned back to face the kid with the Scottish accent. And that's when you saw it.

A big, red hummer speeding down the road. Its owner honking the horn, not bothering to slow down or come to a stop.

"H-Hey kid! Watch out!" You gasped, quickly tackling the red head out of the way of the speeding car, "A-Are you ok?!"

"Are ye crazy!?" He scowled, shoving you away, "Ye could have gotten yerself killed! Why did you do that?!"


He  continued talking, not even letting you answer, "Ye should have just let me die...."

"....I couldn't do that.....," you frowned, standing up and dusting yourself off.

"And why the hell not-"

This time, you cut him off, tears threatening to spill out of your (e/c) eyes, " Because I know what it feels and I are alike....I.....I was just looking for a place to do it peacefully.....," you frowned, now starring into his deep, green eyes, "and then I found you....and....I just couldn't let you die....".

"L-Lass.....," the boy sighed, pulling you into a tight hug, "What's yer name....?"

"(_-___)" you sniffled, letting him hug you.

"Well, (____)....I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," his grip tightened around you, "I'm the way....not that it matters...."

"of course it does....," a giggled escaped your lips, as you finally hugged back.

"Let me walk ye isn't safe for a lass to be walking out on the streets by herself at this hour...."

"And leave you alone? Look, I don't know you, but judging by that little stunt, i know you're just going to try it again....and how do you know I just won't shoot myself at home....?"

"Aye lass, yer a clever one. aren't ye?" Allistor smirked, looking down at you, "looks like I can't leave ye alone then. A pretty lady such as yerself doesn't deserve to die~"


You blushed, flustered by these words.

[ End of Flashback ].

Allistor had decided to stick by you that day, for some odd reason. He just met you, yet, he made you his responsibly. His responsibility to look after you....And he still does do today. Its part of the reason why you love him so much.... 

Tears spilled, racing down your face as you buried yourself in your nice, warm bed, drifting off into a deep, deep sleep.


Sorry for such a short, lame chapter guys. I'm going through some tough stuff right now and I just can't seem to get the inspiration to right. But don't worry, I will keep uploading. Its just....there was this chic who bullied me badly for years and she moved away for a while and she's back. Lucky me DX

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