Chapter 2: The Grand Date (part one)

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(____)= name

(h/l)= hair length

(h/c)= hair color

(e/c)= eye color


"No buts, I'm taking ye, thats final." 

You sighed, nodding "Fine, but this is the last time, Allistor. People are starting to ask questions...."

He smirked, "Aye, let them~~"

You just rolled your eyes, going back to work.


The clock stroke ten, signaling the end of your shift.

"Thank god," You sighed, starting to get pretty annoyed with all these drunks.

Allistor looked over at you, a wide grin on his pale face. He didn't even  give you a chance to take off your apron before he was dragging you out of the bar.

"H-Hey! Allistor! What's the big deal man!?" you scowled, struggling against his grip. Honestly, it was like this guy had super strength or something.

"Will ye quit yer whining?! We have reservations that we're going to miss if we don't hurry up...." The Scottish man sighed, walking faster.

"Reservations for what?" you asked, obviously not amused.

"Its been ten years lass, no? Ten years since ye saved my life and I decided I wanted to take ye out to dinner for it" You could see a slight blush growing on his face, it must really hurt his big boy ego to be doing this. "Is that so wrong?"

You quickly shook your head, "Of course not! Its perfectly ok~ But I really don't deserve it...."

The look he gave you was plane and hinted boredom, "Aye, ye do, now shut up"

"......" you giggled. Allistor always did have a....great choice of words? That's a nice way of putting it....

It was a pretty nice night out on the town. The starts shining dimly above, their brightness being challenged by all the busy cars and flashing signs.

You were about to say something else, but Allistor tugged on your arm again, making you scowl and attempt to pull away.

"We're here...." he huffed, pointing to the restaurant across the street.

Your jaw dropped. Was this Allistors idea of a nice dinner?

The place he was pointing to was a night club. The bright sign outside read, "The Crazy Donkey". You could make out how crazy it was inside by the bright lights and booming music escaping through the small open windows.

"No no, not that-" he turned your head so that you were now facing a fancy little Italian restaurant owned by one of your your best friends father "-That. Ya twit...."

"Oh....yeah, that makes more sense. I thought you were going to drunk, take me home, and have your way with me~" you smirked, teasing him as you walked towards the Italian restaurant.

"(_-____)!!" Allistor yelled, his face pulsing a shade of crimson red.

You laughed, opening the giant glass door and walking inside.

The place was actually really nice.

The walls were painted a shade of grape purple, with an olive green carpet to match. As well as pictures of places in Italy covering the walls, courtesy of your best friend Felliciano,  to go with the chandlers hanging from the tall ceilings and the classical music coming from a few hidden speakers.

"Ah! (____), allistor!" An older Italian man with dark brown hair and a stubble beard approached you two, a wide smile on his face. "To what do I owe the honor? A date perhaps?"

You blushed, shaking your head furiously "N-no sir!"

"We were just in the area...." Allistor added, seeming a bit disappointed.

"Oh...well...I have-a the perfect seats for you two, right by the grand fireplace" He smiled, "That's good. No?"

You nodded, too absorbed by the atmosphere of the place to really focus "y-yeah, sure, whatever"

The Italian man nodded, leading the two of you over to a table by the grand fireplace. Above this fireplace,  was a replica of the Mona Lisa, painted by Feliciano, as a gift to his father. "Enjoy~~" he sang, skipping off. Sometimes, that guy could be such a weirdo....

"(____)?" Allistor waved a hand in front of you, breaking you out of your trance.

Startled, you jumped, quickly apologizing, "s-sorry...."

He smirked, pulling a chair out for you to sit in, "no need to apologize, git, just sit down so we can have a nice meal. ok?"

You nodded, sitting down. You still couldn't believe that he would take you out for such a nice dinner, considering the accident happened ten years ago and he hasn't brought it up since then....

You could remember it like it was yesterday really. The sound of the sirens, the panicking people surrounding you, the pools of blood. You shivered at the thought of it all. Now was not the time to get so caught up in the past.

"(____)? You feeling ok?" Allistor asked, placing a hand on your forehead, feeling for a fever and breaking you out of your flashback.

"hm? Oh yeah, peachy...." you sighed, deciding you were going to ask him why he brought you here now, after all this time. "So alli, its been ten years....why bring it up now?" You frowned.

"First of all, don't call me that, second of all, does a man really have to have a reason to take a pretty lass out on a date?"

"d-date!?" your face flushed a deep shade of crimson red.

Did this mean that he liked you? No, it couldn't be, I mean, he was your closest friend after all and dating could seriously ruin your friendship. Then again, you did like him and was really hoping that he would return the feelings.

These thoughts raced through your head as the two of you finished dinner.

"alright, now for phase two," The red headed man smirked, dragging you out of the restaurant.

What did he mean by phase two!? A blush returned to your face as you thought over the possibilities.

He looked you over, noticing your blush, "Relax," he said, sighing "we're just going for a little walk in the park...."


To be continued....

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I love you guys~~!!!!


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