Chapter 6: Moving In?

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(____)= name

(h/l)= hair length

(h/c)= hair color

(e/c)= eye color

(f/c)= favorite color

(f/b)= favorite breakfast food


    Allistor had decided to stick by you that day, for some odd reason. He just met you, yet, he made you his responsibly. His responsibility to look after you....And he still does do today. Its part of the reason why you love him so much.... 

    Tears spilled, racing down your face as you buried yourself in your nice, warm bed, drifting off into a deep, deep sleep.


    The fallowing morning, you were rudely awaken by being violently shaken.

     Screaming in terror, you shot up from your previous laying down position to see who broke into your house.

    And long behold....It was the man himself.


    "Morning Sunshine," he smirked, a devious grin now spread across his pale face, "Sleep well?"

    "How the bloody hell did you break into my house?!" You scowled, only to facepalm when the red headed man held up a bobby pin, chuckling. "Oh? So you used a bobby pin to break in? Where did you get it from? I didn't know you were soooo concerned about your hair~" you giggled, making a fail of a joke since you were still a bit grumpy from the way he woke you up.

    "Oi!" Allistor pouted, crossing his well built arms over his chest, "For yer information, I found this on my coffee table. Ye left it there. I swear....girls must mark their territories with these things...." He chuckled, placing the bent thing on your bedside.

    Laughing, you playfully punched his arm, rolling back onto your side, "And what exactly is that supposed to mean~?"

    He shrugged, stretching and standing up, "I guess it means ye love me so much, ye don't want any other girl touching me~"

"L-Love you?!" You blushed, getting up yourself, "Who said I love you!?....Why

...Why are you even here!?"

  "I was bored," the man shrugged, walking out of your bedroom, "Come on, I made breakfast, your favorite, (f/b)".

   You nodded, closing the door behind him, "Whatever, just let me get dressed first".

    Quickly, you changed into a pair of light blue skinny jeans and your favorite (f/c) T-shirt. Along with those, you found a studded, black and white belt and a pair of black converse. After bruising your (h/l) (h/c) hair and placing a cute, (f/c) bow in it yo match your shirt, you placed on a bit of makeup, just some concealer and mascara, and made your way downstairs, fallowing your nose to the delicious meal your friend had made.

    "(____)," Allistor spoke up as you ate, catching your attention as you stuffed your mouth with food, "I was thinking....we're really good friends and all and well...."


    "I'm getting a bit behind in my rent money....I was wondering if ye wanted to move in, so we can split the cost....I have an extra room, and its not that far from yer job....please?"

   You blushed, processing what your red headed friend had just said, " want me to move in with you?"


     After thinking for a moment, you nodded slightly, "Alright, fine".

    How bad can it be?


Author's Note

Sorry for the short chapter guys, its just a filler chapter to set up for the next chapter ^_^

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