Chapter 10: Love is in the Air

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(____)= Name

(H/L)= Hair Length

(H/C)= Hair Color

(E/C)= Hair Color

(F/C)= Favorite Color


    "(____)~~!!" Allistor called, tacking you to the ground as he did so. He chuckled, playing with a strand of your (H/L) (H/C) hair, smiling as he lay on top of you.

    "Allistor!" You scowled, almost having a heart attack, "D-Don't scare me like that~ Idiot~!"

    "Sorry.....Love~" He smirked, pecking your lips, pausing for a moment before kissing them again. This time, for as long as you two could hold your breaths, "However can I make it up to ye~?"

    You blushed, smiling against his lips, which were still hovering over your own, "Well.....We could go on a date or something...."

    "Perfect~!" He shot up, extending a hand in an offer to help you up, "I already made reservations at Felliciano's Grandfathers Restaurant~"

    Taking the hand, you felt yourself being lifted up by his strong arms, "Of course you did~" You rolled your eyes, knowing exactly what your new boyfriend had in mind. Let's just say that the walls in your house weren't exactly the thickest....And Allistor has a tendency to talk rather loudly when he gets excited about something.

    "And w'at is that supposed to mean?"

    "It means I'm going upstairs to get dressed~........And you talk very VERY loud sometimes~" You giggled, jogging past him.

    "H-Hey! I am not t'at loud ye twat! Take that back!" He scowled, sitting down on the plush, green couch that was sitting in the middle of his living room whist he awaited your return.

    "A real date with Alli....What should I wear?" You mumbled aloud, deciding on a simple black dress with a pair of flats.

    After getting dressed and doing your hair to match your outfit, you skipped downstairs to find the lazy bum, I mean, Allistor, almost asleep on the couch.

    "Allistor~ Wake up~" You smiled, playing with a strand of his fiery red hair.

    With a grin, he opened his eyes and nearly shot up, dragging you with him out the door, "I was never asleep~"



{Le Flying Mint Bunny Time Skip}

    Felliciano's Grandfather's place was as busy as ever. The smell of fresh pasta and pizza roamed through the air along with the sounds of the dozens of people who were dinning there. Allistor gave your hand a tight squeeze, which, attracted the attention of mister grandpa Rome himself.

    "Allistor? (____)? Is this for real this time....Or, are you two fooling poor old me again?" He asked, examining you both up in down as if that could determine whether you were lying or not.

    "No sir, we're on a real date~!" You beamed, a bright smile upon your face.

   "Well well! I'll make sure you two get top class service today then~! Enjoy yourselves~!" He chimed, escorting you both to a table before disappearing into the kitchen.

    Allistor pulled your seat out for you, earning a blush, "T-Thanks....," You mumbled, "Since when are you such a gentleman~?"

    "........Arthur leant me a book," He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck as he sat down across from you, grinning.

    "I'm not sure if that's really sweet....Or really cheesy and pathetic," You laughed out, making it his turn to blush.

    "H-Hey! I'm trying really hard here!"

    "I know~ But, you don't have to change....I already lo-....Really like you~"

    "Love you too~" He winked, both your plates arriving.

    After eating in near silence and fighting over who would pay the check, Allistor finally got you to wait outside as he paid.

    "Bloody idiot....," You sighed, pacing back and forth as you waited for him, "He could have at least let me pay....What's taking him so long anyway!?" You scowled, turning your attention to the doors of the restaurant, oblivious to your surroundings.

    For, you did not hear the sound of tires screeching against the pavement.

    And you barely felt yourself being pushed out of the way....A flash of red buzzing by you. 


Author's Note

What's this? I funny yet feelzy chapter? I had to guys ;-; I already know how the book is gonna end, I have since day one >~< Its almost over DX

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