Chapter 9: Confessions

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(____)= Name

(H/L)= Hair Length

(H/C)= Hair Color

(E/C)= Eye Color

(F/C)= Favorite Color


    A loud thud from downstairs awoke you from your slumber. Panicking, you jumped out of your warm bed, still wearing your favorite pair of (F/C) pajamas, and ran downstairs, looking to determine the source of the noise.

    Entering the living room, you found a certain red headed man passed out and sprawled across the carpeted, brown flooring. You sighed, dragging him onto the couch before leaving and returning with a blanket from his bedroom.

    "Damn idiot....He shouldn't drink....Knowing that he has hangovers that are this bad," You mumbled to nobody in particular as you tucked the soft blanket around Allistor, engulfing him in a shield of warmth.

    It'd probably be ten, maybe fifteen minutes before the man woke up, so you decided to prepare the things he needed and place place them on the coffee table beside him.

    A bottle of Advil for the headache.

    A glass of water for the Advil.

    And some food for the munchies.

    Wasn't he lucky to have you looking after him?

    As if on que, your Scottish friend sat up, groaning and pulling the blanket over his face, "(____)....". He smirked, "Good morning, sunshine~" 

    "Allistor....," You huffed, pulling the blanket off of his face and handing him the advil and the water.

    "....W'at did I do?"

    "You were drunk"

    "No, I wasn't"

    "You have a hangover!"

    "....I'm sick!" He quickly defended.

    "Whatever.....". Rolling your eyes, you walked out of the room, returning to your bedroom to get dressed for the day ahead.

    "(____)!!" Allistor called after you, attempting to stand up, but having to sit back down due to light headedness.

    Giggling, you closed your door, undressing yourself and looking for a simple T-shirt and jeans to wear.

    "(____)!!". Allistor scowled, opening your bedroom door and turning a visible shade of crimson red, "I....I....I....I didn't mean to walk in on you like this!" He stuttered, frozen like a deer in headlights.

    "Allistor!? Get out!!". You screamed, a bright shade of red yourself. Turning away, you covered yourself up with a dirty T-shirt, courtesy of your bedroom floor, "Now!!"

    He nodded, doing so and closing the door behind him.

    "Bloody 'ell....". He mumbled to himself once he was a safe distance from your bedroom door, "Wow....". The man continued to blush, running a hand through his red hair, "Wow....".

    "You said you love me....Last night," Your voice spoke up from behind him, making your friend jump from startlement.

    "I-I w'at!?"

    "And....You kissed me....," You admitted, turning your head away.

    Allistor's face was brighter than it had ever been before, lighting up like a Christmas tree, "I-I....I did no such thing!".

    "You were drunk...."


    You sighed, turning away, "Never mind...."

    "No! Ye 'ave to tell me now!". He scowled, grabbing your wrist so that you couldn't escape.


    "Please....," The man begged, pulling you into his tight embrace, "Did I 'urt ye....?"


    "Them, w'at did I do....?"



    "........I kissed back," You mumbled under your breath, avoiding eye contact with the large emerald eyes that were starring you down.

    His bushy eyebrows furrowed. indicating that he was thinking. Before long, you felt his lips on your own once again, kissing you even more passionately than the night before, "I may 'ave been drunk out of my mind....But, I spoke the truth....I truly, 'onestly love ye, (____)....I 'ave fer a long time now....Ten years....," Allistor smiled, starring into your (E/C) eyes.

    "Alli-" He cut you off, continuing to speak before you had a chance to interrupt him.

    "Since the day ye saved my life....".

Author's Note

Veh~ Finally, an update ^_^ I hope you guys enjoyed it~ Now, excuse me while I go write the next chapter of my usuk story *flies away on a unicorn with wings into the sunset*

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And a quick note....Thank you thank you thank you all!! This story has almost 2,000 reads!! That's unbelievable!! Thank you all so so much!! Especially those of you who have been reading it since the day I posted the first chapter. Thank you~~~~!!!! :D


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