Ch 15: Prepare

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Abi's POV~

After this battle I'm back to where I started- The Caribbean. I left and I told myself to never look back because I am not going to lose what I have here, my brother, my friends, my college credits, and what has consumed me since I laid eyes on him, Lafayette. I'm going to make the best out of this and kill those red coats! I am not throwing away my shot!

I had to grab a horse, but I've grown close to two, Liberty and Death, I went to the stables to grab one of the two, but a man stopped me at the gate

"Ma'am you better get outta here, this  ain't a place where pretty woman like you to be, you should warm in bed, married, and with lots of children..."

"Mister I am for the cause."

"No this isn't the place for you..."


"Woah, woah, don't be rash."

"No I mean the horse silly."

"I'm sorry but Liberty is with a Daniel Larusso."

"Oh then I'll take Death."

That ended the weird conversation I just had, so I saddle onto Death and rode down to camp and saw all the men at work to prepare, I need to find Lafayette,


"I'm right under you." I heard a familiar  thick French accent, but I was startled and actually looked under the horse for a millisecond,

But once I rise my head up, and I see the Frenchmen behind me on my horse,

"Couldn't find your horse Amérique?"

"Non, I just want to be with tu."

Oh my gosh I hope I didn't turn red, why does he have to do this to me? And how does he do it so smoothly, oh maybe he's done this with other woman that were prettier, smarter, and of course more affluent than moi, UGH he's even affected the way I talk,



"Are you leaving tomorrow."

"As far as I know, yes."

"Where will you be residing, afterwards?"

"At Nevis, that's in the Caribbean, probably work at my Ma's store."

"Will you write me?"

"Yes, I will I'd LOVE if you write me and remain friends." As you see I exaggerate love, in here

"You will!! Great! Magnifique! Oh my I love you!" He then hugged me from behind while on the horse (honestly I'm questioning whether this is possible) but Laurens came and intervene

"You guys look adorable but, we have a battle to fight." Honestly I would have loved if he and I could've stayed like that forever except when one of us had to go to the bathroom, I moved the horse toward Washington's tent and jumped off the horse and knocked on the tent (again I'm questioning if this is possible, I mean it probably is but would it make a loud enough sound) and I hear the General's voice

"Come in." I do so with Lafayette

"General Washington, what would you like Lafayette and I to do for you?"

"I want Lafayette to be second in command beside General Charles Lee, and Abi I would like you to tend to the wounded on site, like a field nurse."

"Alright General, would you like me to immediately leave once Monmouth is done for."

"Yes that would be nice."

Lafayette and I exit without a word and I saddled onto Death, and Lafayette is clinging to my waist, once we reached our destination everyone including the horse had mud everywhere, I said my farewells to him and tied Death down on a post, in a few hours everyone's future could change, for the better or the worst

Yeah, yeah I should start get the fic moving along, but I'm going to take my sweet time, Oh by the way there is Lafayette x Reader by rosequorts that is absolutely AMAZING and if you want to do me a favor look into her profile and her Laf x Reader. And thank you for the 1K reads!

Bai my dreamers 💫


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