Ch 27: Why Didn't You Tell Me?!

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Abi's POV~

I wake up from a dream that I could tell was good, but I can't really recall why. I get ready and as I was about to cheerfully walk I trip and land on my knees before I could face plant on the cold dirt. What the heck did I just trip over? I look to see where I could've possible tripped over and I see a cot I had never seen in the tent before close by mine. I step close by to see Emmanuel, or should I say "Emma" sleeping. I pull the curtains that I hung by Emma and I's cot for privacy.

When I was out from behind my miniature tent in a tent I see someone hunched over the little stationary table with a blanket covering them. I pull the blanket off and it reveals my brother sleeping like the angel he is nowhere near being. I noticed that there was a piece of paper that had some writing on. I pull it slowly from under his arm and I see written

Dear Eliza,

I too miss you, I wish we could be together again like how are souls are in spirit. My dearest Eliza, I know that I'll always be satisfied with you and if this letter comes before I come to your father's estate to surprise you, I just want to ask you, 
   Will you marry me?
I know we had not been courting for a long time, but I have no other family besides my sister and friends, and after losing both my father and mother, I know that I should keep my family close at all times and at all costs. Please, I'll be overjoyed if you say yes, but if you want to wait. I can wait till the war ends.

Alexander Hamilton

I drop the letter and cover my mouth with my hands. Why didn't he tell me?!? I told him straight up about Laf and he was beyond pissed as hell at the two of us and barely talked to us yesterday. While he was courting Eliza?!? Why the heck did he get so mad if he understands how it's like to be in love, and he's about to ask for her hand in marriage and he was upset when we ask if we could court?!?! Before I could scold him he woke up.

"Abi where's my letter to Betsy- ABI WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY LETTER?!?!" He yelled literally jumping out of his chair.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?!" I yelled before he could start spitting questions at me.


"THEN WHY THE HELL WERE YOU BEYOND MAD THAT LAFAYETTE AND I ARE COURTING AND YOU ONLY KNOW THIS GIRL FOR HOW LONG? TWO WEEKS?!? AND YOU'RE ALREADY TO PUT ON YOUR BIG BOY TROUSERS AND GET MARRY?!?! I SHOULD BE THE ONE THAT GETTING MAD NOT YOU!!!" I yelled. Everything quiet down. The only thing that filled the space between us was our deep breaths. We heard a rustle by my cot and assumed that it was Emmanuel waking up. We still remained silent. After five minutes, Hercules and John popped into the tent with a bag.

"WE GOT BAGELS!!" We glared at him. He backed away along with John out of the tent.

"Oh. Bad timing? Was it the bagels they didn't like? Did I say something? I want to know..." Herc asked as he slowly left the tent but what rushed him out was the voice behind us.


Okay so cliffhanger, but thanks for reading, voting and adding my Laf x reader and we are currently 7.12K and 334 votes thank you guys so much!

Bai my dreamers 💫


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