Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I sat there taking in the sound until I got tired of it and turned it off. I got up rubbing my eyes at the light that shown in the window. It was a good day to go out and get some fresh air. I lived in a house by myself so there wasn't anyone around to tell me when it was time to get up or take care of me when I was sick. I had to deal with being by myself all the time. I got up and went to the bathroom having a moment where you just starred in the mirror until you remembered what it was you was suppose to be doing. I washed my face and brushed my white teeth till I thought they were clean enough. I went back to my bedroom and picked me out an outfit. I choose some black skinny jeans with a black and white spaghetti strap shirt to go with it. When I had put on my outfit I got some white shoes with a white half jacket to finish it. I headed out the door it was kinda chilly outside so I had my hair down. It was barely people out since some of them didn't like the cold weather. A head of me was a tea cafe that Sakura and Ino own. I'll go there sometimes when I didn't feel like cooking for myself. I walked in the the cafe and took a seat at the first table where I always sat. I absorbed the cafe it still looked the same. When you would first walk in you would see a counter that had stools around it. There was a lot of windows around the whole cafe on the wall, by every window there was a table. Every table had a vase with some yellow flowers in the middle of it. Sakura had snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hey (name),"she said with soft smile. I turned to her and gave her a soft smile back. "Hey Sakura how have it been going with you know." She looked at me already knowing who I was talking about. "Oh you mean Naruto," she said catching on. They were such a wonderful couple even Ino had her a wonderful man who she moved in with, but Kiba still had a long way to go if he was going to be staying with Ino " I heard y'all finally was going to take it to be another level," my eyes never left hers as we talked. "He finally asked me to marry him, but enough about me (name) have you found someone special yet," she said grinning so wide it look like her smile could cover her whole face up including mines. "I'm working on it," I answered to her. Sakura took out her note pad and asked me what I would like to drink. I told her some jasmine tea since it was my favorite. She left and said she would be back to give me my tea and take my order. I sat back in my seat and sighed thinking about Naruto and Sakura. She was so beautiful with her pink short hair and green eyes there was no wonder how she could catch a nice man like Naruto. I wonder how long it would be till I meet that special someone who cares about me. Living in an house by yourself gets lonely. You would get to the point where you wished you had someone in through the house to protect you.

You could hear someone come in through the door by the sound of the bell.

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