Chapter 14

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''Hey...'' I felt a pair of arms around me. ''Hey...'' There it was again.  ''Hey.....Are you awake?'' That voice who is it. I don't recognize it.  It was the same dream I have been having for alone time. Before I could find out who it was I always wake up. It's just so werid having the same dream so long up till the point where up can't remember any other ones except that one. My mother use to say 'An unfinished dream is like an unfinished business in your life. You must finish it if you want to finish life.' She was always right with her wise words. If it wasn't for them I would be the person I am today. It's funny how the right words could change a person's life. I still haven't forgot about last night. About Sasuke and our conversation, but I can't help but think about my dream. I have been having that dream more than usual since I met Sasuke. I know it's not him in the dream. I would have recognized his voice, the way he touched me, and the way his arms felt. I just can't shake what this dream means.

I got out of bed and got dressed in my work out clothes. I took a stroll down my street. It was so beautiful outside. The sight of families out smiling. Mothers bonding with their kids. It was a good sight to see. I kept running till I made it to the park. As soon as my feet hit that grass I collapsed. I played flat on my back looking at the sky. It was so peaceful with the clouds moving telling us that the world haven't stopped. You could see birds making shapes in the sky. It was heart warming that I fell asleep.

''Hey.....Are you awake?'' This dream again. ''Hey...'' I can feel myself smiling and a tear falling down my cheek. ''Hey why are you crying?'' I can feel his hand rubbing my arm like he was trying to comfort me. ''Are you sad (name)?" he said my name. Who was he? I have never heard that voice before. ''Did I do something to make you mad?'' He kept asking me questions. ''(name), (name)......(name)" I opened my eyes knowing that voice.

A shadow was giving me shad, a body was blocking the sun, and I had lost my view of the sky. I stayed there I didn't have to move to know who that was. Even if I didn't I still wouldn't have moved because I was to spaced out about that dream. ''(Name) are you ok?'' I looked up those onyx eyes looking down on me. ''I'm fine....why?'' I could feel him smiling. ''Well you were sleep on the grass at the park.'' ''Yea I know'' Sasuke had sat on the grass beside me. "Why haven't you been getting any sleep?" I sighed at his question. ''No...and I don't know why.I keep having this same dream over and over and........and the worst part is that it don't even seem like a dream. Its like I'm having a memory being played over and over and over and over.'' I can see that he had a confused look on his face. "Well is it?" ''No it's not and I'm scared because unless I went through some memory lost thing this feels real.''

I heard a thump on the ground. That the sound of him laying down completely right next to me. I know he felt what I felt. The soft green grass underneath us. The wind blowing letting us know that its still here. The blue sky painted with white clouds and the sun up in the sky telling us that it own it. When it's setting that is when its guard is down and show the most beautiful part of the sky. The birds spreading their wings to show us how it is to be free. I turned my head to look at the lifeless soul beside me. He had fallen asleep. His bang covering his face. He looked like a sculptor that was so beautifully made by the hands of god. I had rolled on my side and looked him in the face. My lips touched his I didn't know it till he kissed me back.

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