Chapter 11

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Sakura kept asking questions about Sasuke. Where did I meet him? Is he your boyfriend? Have you two already hooked up? The only thing I could tell her was I don't know what we are. He probably thinks we're friends who just happens to hook up. She just nodded. As we played in my bed I had forgotten how it was to talk to a girl. I'm glad she's spending the night. I tapped her on the shoulder. ''How about in the morning we go to a club?" She just nodded again.

The next morning Sakura woke up puking with her head in the toilet. The only thing I could do was hold her hair back. ''Oh honey if you are this sick maybe we should just stay in today.''

She lifted her head just a little bit. ''No we are not staying in today....'' She had cut herself off by puking some more, ''besides you need to learn how to have fun for once in your life.''

I sighed at what she said. ''Okay you can have the shower fun, because you are starting to smell my friend.'' She smiled at me than flipped me off. I knew that was coming.

While she was in the shower I went to look up what club we was going to go to. As I was scrolling down I spotted one. The name of this club was called The Helm, and Falling In Reverse was going to be playing there. Me and Sakura loved that band aside from Sleeping with Sirens, My Chemical Romance, Flyleaf, Three Days Grace, and Get Scared. We had a lot of bands that we liked, those was just some of them. I'm glad we did decide to come out today or we would have missed this band. I heard Sakura coming out of the bathroom. She walked over to where I was and looked at the screen. She didn't say a word. She just hugged me and ran up stairs. I guess that mean she  likes it.

I went up stairs and helped pick out some clothes. I looked at Sakura's stomach to she if she was showing. I must be stupid or something, because don't anyone start showing after one week. I went to my closet and pulled out some dark clothes. If we are going to a club where Falling in Reverse was going to be play, we are going to need some black clothes. Sakura had picked a black strapless dress out that stops above her  lower thigh. She had black converse to go with it. I had picked out some leather black skinny jeans with a black half shirt that hangs off the shoulder. I  had black combat boots to go with it. I also had my hair let down and curled. Sakura had hers in a bun. 

We started heading out the door. Sakura had her car so we took it. When we got to the club it was already booming. You could hear Falling in Reverse rocking out on stage. The first place Sakura went was to the bar. I followed her. I asked for a beer, while Sakura had got a sex on the beach. After drinking my beer I  went out on the dance floor. I started dancing till I made a mistake and hit someone. I turned around to apologise, but the only thing I could do was stare. This dude had some pretty eyes. They was clear almost like a white color. He had long black hair.

''S-sorry for hitting you.'' I felt so embarrassed.

''It's fine I barely felt anything at all.'' I smiled at what he said even if it sounded like he was calling me weak.

"Well okay then.'' I nodded and walked off to dance somewhere else.

Sakura kept on complaining about how hungry she was, so I took the pregnant woman to go get something to eat. We had decided to walk, because we both was a little drunk. Sakura kept on falling over. I had to stop every second to pick her up. A group of people was passing by looking at us. One of them had stopped to help us.

"Hey it's you from the club.''

I looked up to find the dude I hit. Yep he was the one who had called me weak. ''Yea it's .....''

''Neji and you are.''

''(name) and this drunk right here is my friend Sakura.'' He helped me stand Sakura up.

"So where was you two going.'' He looked curious.

"We was going to get something to eat. Do you want to come?''

"Sure it looks like you need help getting her around anyways.''

We both looked at Sakura at the same time. ''Yep''

We had made it to the restaurant. A man showed us to our table. While me and Neji was ordering Sakura was in the restroom. You already know what she is doing. I looked at Neji. Not that he's not ugly, but I wish it was Sasuke here. But you think about I slept with him and he probably got a girlfriend. I never asked him. Neji had cleared his throat to get my attention.

''I got a question.''

l looked him. ''Don't boys always.''

He smirked at what I said. He reminded me of Sasuke. '' Why is there a girl like you at a club this late.?

I looked at him shocked. ''What is that suppose to mean?''

''It wasn't an insult. It just mean that you look like someone who would rather be at a library.''

I did a fake smile. ''Wow you really have a way of making a girl feel special.''

We kept on talking about some of everything. He was a real charmer. He was funny to. We had talked so much that I had forgot Sakura was in the restroom. It didn't matter anyways. While we was talking I had gazed somewhere else. I notice someone a few tables down. That looks just like Sasuke, but that couldn't be. He was with a girl, very pretty.

That was Sasuke.

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