Chapter 18

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I grabbed his hands. They were so much bigger than mines and soft. I gazed at him as he began to speak. "Yea. Did it work?"

I wanted to laugh at the sight of seeing a blush creep up on his cheeks. "Why?"

He shifted a little in his position and before he could get a word out I interrupted him. "Was it because of Neji?"

I didn't mean to interrupt him like that, but when the thought came to me I had to ask. It's just the thought of him getting jealous. It just didn't seem possible in my dictionary.

"Can we change the subject?" he uttered. I saw in his eyes that he was very uncomfortable. I nodded my head in agreement.

"But only this once. No more free passes. Okay Sasuke?" I stated before we went any farther.

He lifted his hand and placed it on his chest. "Agreed."

We both smiled at each other.

"You know you never paid back my five dollars." he uttered.

I could feel my cheeks heat up at the sound of those words. Why did he bring that up? I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I was so embarrassed that day that I almost wanted to drown myself in the tub.

"Yea, well you never invited me back over your house for dinner." I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

A smirk appeared on his face. "Why come for dinner when you can come for lunch and stay till breakfast."

He always had to make a joke out of everything. I guess that's what makes him attractive. I smiled at what he said.

He lend up to get closer to my face. "Kiss me."

"Why?" I said with an innocent look.

I seen a smile cross his lips. "What if I just want to feel your lips on mines?"

I lend in closer to him. "Well you'll just have to tell me how you really feel about me." Ever since we came out here to this pond I've been wanting to ask him, and now was the right time. This moment could not have been any perfect.

His smile was still up there, but his eyes said something else. Now that I've asked I've never been so scared. "(Name), can we not do this right now?"

He cleared his throat as he began to get up from his position on the solid ground. I did the same. "Why not?" I asked forcefully, "Why can't we do this right now?"

I could feel something weird begin to happen to my chest. Was this hurt? I was feeling hurt for the second time in my life. Pain was starting to enter my heart and it hurt like hell. This was like my mother dying all over again.

"(Name), we just can't okay. Just leave it alone." This time he said it much louder. He didn't even try to look me in the eyes.

"Sasuke if this is some kind of joke that you're playing it's not funny." my voice started cracking.

We stood there in silence not making one word. I waited for him to say this was a joke. That there was cameras everywhere and you have been punk, but it never came. "Sasuke-" before I could say his name he cut me off.

"(Name), look don't get me wrong I do have feelings for you. From the first day I met you I knew you had to be mine. After our first date I knew than that it would be hard to stay away from you." he paused and I stayed quite. "I don't want you to take it the wrong way..........I'm just not ready to say that big word yet."

I took a step toward him, but I didn't get to far. "Tell me right now if there will ever be a day that you might say it?" I asked.

He did a big sigh as he pull his hair back with both hands. "I don't know."

Tears started to fall down my cheeks. I didn't know till one of them hit my hand. Sasuke tried to reach out for me, but I stopped him. "Don't." Was all I could manage to say.

Of all words I said don't. I could have said Why? or Explain?, but no I said don't. I couldn't look at him. I tried saying something else, but words didn't come. Before I knew it I was running away.

Why did this happen?

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