Chapter 4

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The next morning I had awaken to my phone vibrating. I thoughts to my self who might this be at 7:00. It was a text message.


Don't you think it's time to get up (name). I hope you haven't forgot about our date. I'll pick you up at 8.

I look at this message as a joke from none other than Sasuke. How dare he try to force me on a date. I could just see that smirk on his face thinking he won this. I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When I was finished I got ice cream from the fridge and sat down to watch a romance movie. It was so lovely. It was about a man who had ran into a woman who was beaten up on the streets. He felt sympathy for her and took her in so he could protect her. Over time in the movie they started falling for each other. I thoughts it was just wondeful.

I got up to go to the kitchen as I did there was a knock on the door. I opened it up to see Sasuke standing there. He walked in unannounced. "Go get dressed" I looked at him and thought to myself was he mad. "I'm not going" as said I that I went and sat on the couch. Sasuke came over and grabbed me by my wrist. "Where is your bedroom" he asked clearly showing he wasn't a patience person. I looked at him. I mean he couldn't do anything to me in my own house, besides I knew his family. "Over there why" he pulled you to your bedroom and pushed you on the bed. He than went go your closet and started picking out your clothes. You blushed at the sight of him being in your bedroom. Why I'm I thinking this. You grabbed your cheeks and blushed some more. Your thoughts was save from clothes being throw at you. "Put these on so we can get going" he said walking out of the room. I stared at his back and crossed my arms. "I've already said I wasn't going." Sasuke turned around and smirked. "Would you rather I do it than." I slammed the door in his face. I must was blushing all kinds of red. The thought of him changing me appeared in my mind. No you said to yourself no you must stop thinking like a pervert.

I came down the stairs dressed in what he picked out. "Now that your ready should we go." You nodded and he took your hand. "Well let's be on our way. He lead me to his car on the way there we didn't say not one word. We stopped in front of a restaurant. I seen Sasuke from the corner of my eye get out of the car. He then came to my side and opened the door helping me get out. We went in to take our seat. Once we settled down you could see women staring towards this way. He was quit the eye catcher I can give him that much. "So Ms. (last name) why don't we get to know each other more since we're stuck here together." A women had came to our table. "May I take your order" she had asked with a smile. Sasuke looked at me. "Yes can you get us some red wine please." His eyes never left mines. The woman left and then came back with our wine. Sasuke took a sip out of his wine. "So how about it." You smiled at him. "Sure what is there you would like to know." He leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table with his chin on on top of his hands. "How about we start with the simple stuff like where do you work" I smiled. "I have no job." He kept on staring with not one emotion on his face. "Why is that" he must have thought I was to lazy to find me a job, but here is a reason why I said that. "Let's just say I won the lottery." He smirked not expecting me to say that. "So what about you Mr. Uchiha." He closed his eyes. "I own my own business called the Uchiha Corporation, let's say I'm very successful." He was so full of himself I just had to laugh. "What's so funny." He looked at me confused. "It's just your so full of yourself." I took a sip from my wine. "It's your turn."

"Ok why do you live in that big house by yourself. I mean don't you have a boyfriend." He said curious. "Well I needed something to show I had money and could take care of myself. The boyfriend part I've never had one." He took a deep breath out of his nose while he smirked. "So just asking on a adult level not to be funny, but you're still a virgin." I was steaming when he asked me that. I wasn't gonna lie I did have a blush from it. It's true that I have never done it before. I thought it would be best with someone I knew I could trust. When I looked at him. He still had a that smirk glued to his face. "I guess the look on your face answered that." We spent the rested of the night talking. I had got tipsy off of the wine so he took me home. He was so handsome. He had drove me home and helped me out. I was to busy tripping over my feet to walk so he picked me up. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was him opening the door.

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