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(Taehyung's POV)

Suddenly, I stopped and I grabbed HaNa's hand real tight. I saw..........

Blood on the floor. Wait what?! I froze at the scene while my body is changing......my fangs are showing out and my skin is pale as snow. I was squeezing HaNa's hand really tight. "L-let go, it...hurts..." she squealed. Why must it be now? But the girl beside me......oh....no....


"Taehyung? Let go please....are......you okay? Why the heck are you pale? Are you sick?" She asked. She tried looking at me. I let go of her and covered my eyes. My throat began to feel dry....... I'm thirsty....

No....she can't know this yet.

"First, grab my jacket at the table, second, lead me to the toilet." I said with my dry throat. She was confused.

"Why is your voice like that? Gwenchanha?" She asked. "Please....." I begged. "Arraseo, Taehyung...just for you." She handed my jacket and I snatched it from her. I quickly wore my jacket with the hoodie and she lead me to the Men's Toilet. On the way, there were students gossiping. I lowered myself.

"Gwenchanha?" Someone asked me. But I didn't look at the person. "He has a dry throat. He can't speak much." HaNa said. "But why is he covering his eyes? And why is he wearing his hoodie?" Someone else asked. I growled softly, showing my fangs at the person.

"Don't ask...." I said with a dry throat. Everyone was shocked. But HaNa just grabbed my arm and ran up. "I'm sorry but we have to go." She said while running away from the crowd.

We have reached the toilet. "Here we are, go in." HaNa said. "Thanks but lead me to the sink and give some privacy." I said. "Okay go 3 steps to the front and turn left. Go straight." She said.

I followed her instruction and I signaled her out. I opened my eyes slowly. I saw her stay outside but I don't mind. I found the sink. I looked at myself.......I'm a vampire....

"I hate it when this happens at school.....especially with someone you........like!" I shouted with my dry throat. Good thing no one was inside, but there is someone outside. I washed my face for a billion times.

I looked at the mirror. My eyes were bloody red. My throat....My fangs........I want HaNa......

"No....I can't do that.....not yet....." I said. I showed my eyes again but in the mirror.......

HaNa was peeking. I looked back and she ran out.

No.........I'm so mad at her......I feel.......no I want to drink hers.....but......

.......she knows now. I better chase her before she spreads the news. Don't mess with me, angel. I'm coming....

(HaNa's POV)

He signaled me out the men's bathroom because.......like he said......privacy! Who would like to spy on so-

"I hate it when this happens at school........especially with someone you........like!" Taehyung shouted. He interrupted my thoughts but......... "This"? What does he mean? Mysterious......he just saw blood, right? Or he just had a mental breakdown? Or haemophobia, the fear of blood? But he didn't faint....

Maybe it's just the blood.......but why is he afraid of it? Hmm......I started to peek at Taehyung.......I was shocked....

He has bloody red eyes......and...he. had. fangs!! Holy........moly I was right! Even Taehyung was a vampire! So that means.....they are vampires!!!! And woah.......his skin is pale as snow......Damn....is that what vampires are? Damn I have to look up about vampires.

He washed his face like a million times......Geez....that's too much. "No......I can't do that.......not yet." He said. What.....drink my.....blood? No! He wouldn't do that, right?!

But as I said that......he looked at the mirror. While he was checking his eyes, he caught me peeking him.

He looked back. My hearteu almost skipped a beat but I ran away as fast as I can. He is chasing me now.....
(Anyone.......else? No? Okay. Dashi run run run!)

"This is the worst idea I have ever done!!" I said while Taehyung is chasing me. I ran downstairs. To the corridors, the canteen and back until I bumped into Jungkook by accident.

"Oh sorry Jungkook......I have to go." I said. "Ouch! Why did you run so fast? Wait why are you sweating so much? Is someon-" before he could say that, he saw Taehyung. "Taehyung? Why are you running? What's with you guys?" Jungkook asked again.

"Taehyung....?" I turned around to see Taehyung from afar, chasing me. "Gotta go!" I ran away until I reached the football field. I was tired. I stopped running at the field. I tried catching my breath......and sat down at the grass. The sun was fiery hot. I might catch a sunburn.......

After catching my breath, I found a dark storage room with old sports equipment. I went inside the storage room and I hid in a card box with balls in it. It was dark but there was light shown at the rusty windows.
(This Storage Room is brought to you by my school lol)

"He can't find me here.....I'm so lucky." I said with a soft tone. "But wait.......he can teleport right?" I asked myself. I seriously need to search up about vampires. But thinking about it.......I tried going deeper in the box.

I heard something.....a ball being thrown at the wall. It must be Taehyung. I peek just a little bit. I saw him trying to find me.

"Where are you little angel.......I am thirsty........" he said. His eyes.......his skin......is this Taehyung? "Didn't he did not want to do it?" I asked myself in my mind. Scared to death, I hid waaaay deeper into the box but it made some noise.

He looked at the box I am hiding in, he went closer.......and closer to the box..........

"I hear you......" he said. Then, he opened the box........

"Arghh!! Wrong box!" He growled. He opened the box right next to me. I exhaled......phew that was close. He started to stare at the box I am in. But he ran away.

"It could just be a mouse.....what the hell was I thinking? I was sure I smelled her blood here. I'm gonna find you little angel......no matter what." He said. I waited until he was gone.

I opened the box and looked around to check if he is still here. He isn't. So I checked outside. Nope....he's not here. "Where did he go though...?" I asked myself. I checked the time. It's 1:30 pm. Great....I haven't skip sports class yet....

"I will just wait until the last class which is Sports." I thought to myself. I checked the field to see if Taehyung was hiding.

But then, a class showed up. They were walking down the stairs to the field. I hid at the Storage Room again. I peeked through the window.

They reached the football field. They all were men. But the only thing odd is...........

Taehyung was there.....with Jungkook.......looking around......

~to be continued~

(Ducky note)

Anyeong! How are you guys? Hello??






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