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"Hurry!! We are almost at our goal!! Our teleport ran out because we ate ice cream while spying on them. Yah!! Ppali!!" "I'm coming!! But why are we even catching them?"

"Don't you remember? This is in our bucket list! We need to catch them!" "Right. Hold on, let me finish my ice cream." ".....really."

"By they way, where are they? *still calm*" "What do you mean?" "The girls you were talking about. Where are they?"

"*looks at the back* Wait what?!!? No!! We lost them!! You interrupted me!! Now we have to find them again!"

"M-mianhae.....I was only....trying to help." "*groans* You know what? Let's just find her. Your safe now. But first....eat almond seeds."

"*gags* No!! They taste horrible!" "It's for us to find them! We are only going to drink a bit right? Now hurry up and eat it!" "Fine...."

"Okay now let's go." "Arraseo."

(??? <again>)

"Why did you send us here?" "I need to check your friend's emotions first. Your......friend, well I forgot his name, has triggered his unwanted emotions by accident....or the other." "You mean, him? *points at the back*" "Yeah."

"Yah!! Just send him in!" "No, help me guide him. I may be somewhat a King but....they need help....right?"

"...." "Just call him in already." "But what about......them?" "Who? Your friends? They would have to stay there for 2 days."

"Why not just a day?!?" "Yah, this time here is different. So our 10 minutes here is 1 day back there." "Oh right! *knocks head*"

"Now let's check his emotions." Arraseo......Appa."

(HaNa's POV)

"They aren't anywhere!! Where did they even go? Why didn't they inform us where they went." I shouted at Yein. I'm worried about Taehyung and Jungkook.

Where are they actually? Are they okay? Urgh!! So many questions in my useless brain! I'm too worried!

"Calm down unnie, they might be back tomorrow. At this time, let's just snuggle and have hot coco while watching horror movies." Yein stopped and walked to the kitchen. I followed her.

"So.....just relax! Everything will be okay." Yein finally ended. "Not really, still worried......but I'm suspecting something suspicious in this house." I said while looking around. Yein just tilted her head in confusion.

"What about it? Everything is okay." Yein said. I shook my head. "Come on. Let's go to my room." I said and pulled her up the stairs. "Yah! Wait!" She was about to fall but she didn't. Looks like I'm too hard on her.....who cares! Ahahahaha!

We reached my room and went inside. "What's so suspicious in here? We know he is a vampire but what is it that you are soo suspicious about?" Yein asked. I looked around until I remembered the door Taehyung didn't let me in.


"No you can't go in here.....it's......private." "O.....kay then."


"It's that door." I pointed at the door Taehyung didn't let me to go in. "You think?" Yein asked. "Nae.....I do think it's that door. It's because he didn't let me in before." I replied. "Arraseo....then." Yein said.

I tried opening the door. I twisted the door knob but it won't open. I kicked the door but it won't budge. Then, I did the same thing, with Yein. But it still won't budge. It's locked.

"Urgh! What do we do?" Yein asked. She regretted her energy used while trying to budge the door open. "I don't know....I feel like there is a clue." I said. "Don't give up! It's just a riddle a brain will guess soon." I said in my mind.

We searched the walls in case of secret notes or patterns, but no secret notes nor patterns. "No, let's not give up!" I said even though I was tired...."Arraseo....then." Yein said, panting.

Yein searched the other rooms and I stayed in "my" room to search in cupboards. I searched and searched until the bookshelf, I found a key. "Yein!! I found a key!!" I called out. Yein suddenly popped out at the door.

"Jinjja?! Then try it!!" Yein said. I went to the door with the key. I tried opening it with the key, but it's too small for the door. "It's too small for the door!" I told Yein. Yein checked the key. "It's a diary key...." Yein said.

Yeah....actually. "Then let's find the diary!" I was about to go when Yein stopped me. "I got out all the diary I found earlier." Yein said. Wait how did you....oh nevermind.

"Then....let's check which one." I said and told Yein to stack the books neatly. We girls really like tidiness. Do you? Nevermind let's just find the diary. We tried using the key on different diaries one by one. "Let's hope it will lead to a clue for us to open the door." I said while inserting the key to the 5th diary I tried.

Finally, the 8th diary, it opened the diary. "Yein! Look! It opened!" I said and she hurriedly went to me. "Let's check!" Yein said. We checked the first page, it had Taehyung's biodata. "Kim Taehyung.....oh it's his diary!" I was shocked.

Yein's eyes widened but she didn't say a thing. "Hobby is talking alone. That's sad. Father.....The Devil?!? Mother....question marks." I stopped and continued with another page. Only his diary......

But his diary was since 1859?!? How old is this diary?!!! "Why isn't it dusty since it's from 1859?!" I asked. "Whatever, let's just look at the last page." Yein said and suddenly went to the back page.

"Yah! I was reading!!!" I shouted at Yein but I saw something......it was a magic word!! "Open this door to my home, open it to my Appa, and all the people I love. Nice weird code Taehyung...." I said.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Yein said and pulled me towards the door. I still held on the diary. I stood in front of the door. "Open this door to my home, open it to my Appa, and all the people I love." I said the magic words.

Suddenly, the door opened. It was another dimension.....somewhere dark.....like nowhere. Where are we going exactly? But I saw some fire inside. It looks like....hell...."Um....Yein?" I called Yein out. "Yeah, I'm right here."

"Let's go in....." I said to Yein. "Well....in the count of 3, we walk in. 3.....2......1......GO!" I said and walked in with Yein. We are in hell.....I guess. The portal closed behind us. We looked around and saw a lake......a lava lake.

"A lava lake? Is this really hell??" Yein asked. "Looks like it...." I said. We walked for awhile and saw a castle. "There! A castle!" I pointed out. We went to the castle. For some reason, there were no gates. But there were noise inside the castle. From dragons to....shoutings. "What weird noises...." I said to myself. We just walked in the castle.......well quietly went in.

"Shush....." I told Yein to stop because i hear footsteps coming closer. We hid under a table. It went closer until I saw 2 boys cross. One of them has blond-ish hair.....and one has black hair.

"Why do I have to check my emotions now?! The girls might be worried!" The other one said. "That's okay, as long as they aren't here. If they are here, I would kill them. For real.....well....if I could." The blond one said.

Those voices sound familiar.....maybe...it's....*gasp*

"Taehyung?!!?" I said in my mind. I was shocked. I didn't believe it.......but, we still have to follow them to find out the questions I had.

~To be continued~

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