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(Taehyung's POV)

"Now you know who I am?" I finally revealed myself after she couldn't guess who I was. How dumb. "N-no way....." She was shocked. She went back 3 steps away from me. I followed her. "Where are you going? Who did you think I was? A....man who can save you and live happily ever after?"

Her eyes were wide open. "Now cut it out. Let's...-" I pinned her against the maze wall. "-eat..." I ended. I got closer to her neck. I read her mind by accident. "I should've never agree on this! Is this how slaves feel...?"

That's how they survive, angel. What should I say? I'm a vampire. Crap I said this in my head. Whatever. Let's eat. I bit her neck passionately since it's my first time drinking her blood.

She whimpered softly. She shouted but that didn't stop me. "Pl-please.....stop. I don't want to do this anymore." She said with a weak voice. I stopped for awhile. "Oh? But you agreed being with me, right?"

She looked terrified. "I can't look at you anymore...." She tried pushing me away. I continued to drink her blood.

She began to slowly collapse to the ground. Her hands began to slip from my chest. She was on my shoulders. "Time out? Already?" She began breathing slowly. I stopped. She almost fell down but I caught her. "You're soo weak, but how do you have delicious blood?"

She didn't answer. She is getting colder. I checked her face, her eyes are closed and her mouth is half open. "I think I know one way to wake her up." I said to myself. I bit her but instead, harder this time.

She began to feel it. She realized it and started moving a lot. "That....hurts. Stop..." she said. I stopped and looked at her. "Woke up? I can't believe you slept." I said.

"S-since when did I sleep? I felt like the world began to collapse earlier!" She said. I smiled. "Positive sign..." I said. She stood up by herself now. She looked left and right. She realized something.

"First, I need to go. Second, why did you stop?" I was quite surprised she asked that. "Go where?" I asked her. She ran into the maze. I chased after her. "Yah! Where do you need to go?!" I shouted but she didn't care.

"Where is it, where is it." I heard her mind. Looks like she wants to escape from me. You can't....I can track you anywhere, angel. I will always find you.

I will always have you.

(HaNa's POV)

After losing Taehyung, I was quick on my feet. I tried my best to find my way out. I took a lot of lefts and rights, but I still haven't find the way out.

I started walking instead. I was quite tired, but I have to be quick. There is a literally a vampire chasing me. I have to go find my way out the maze, get Yein and finally, go to the twins to get out of this place immediately! But now, I'm still stuck in this maze. I'm still finding out where my dad is. I can't leave this place without knowing the truth.

I looked up to check where i am since it's an open maze. I'm at the top corner of the maze. "I might be out here soon. I hope." I said to myself. I checked my bite mark Taehyung left. It was still bleeding. I covered it but it got on my hands. "Oh crap, he might find me faster." I thought. I wiped the blood on my shirt and proceeded to complete the maze....or get out the maze.

I heard wind. Like someone is running fast. Maybe that's Taehyung. "Better hurry up. He might track me waaaay faster. Gosh, I wish I could be the mastermind to this place." I saw light shone at the corner of the maze. That must be the end!

I ran to the light and found the exit. There was a door....again. I opened it to find those illusions again. There was a little girl holding a teddy bear while holding a man, maybe her father's hand. She seems to have a conversation with her dad. Suddenly, the place got dark, like a blackout. All I could see is the door's illusion. I got scared.

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