Chapter III; Losing

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Takiko sat in the fountain square. He was watching the sky with his calm eyes. The clouds passing by were wispy fluffs. They crossed the sun occasionally but didn't block out the light. The sunlight hardly dimmed at all, keeping the square bright. It had been a quiet day. Nothing unusual had happened and no new keyblade wielders had been found. He looked away from the sky to the square around him. To his surprise a Chirithy appeared, running towards him as fast as it could on its short legs.

Takiko stood and went to the Chirithy, meeting it halfway. He knelt down in front of the Chirithy looking at it concerned. Rarely did Chirithy's seem so troubled. Usually, they only acted that way if something terrible had happened.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asked. The Chirithy nodded. It was trying to catch it's breath and speak. Takiko put up his hand. "Just calm down." He said. The Chirithy slowed its breathing with a great deal of effort.

"Lyra needed me to pass on a message." The Chirithy said looking at Takiko with solemn eyes. Takiko frowned. Lyra wasn't one to send her Chirithy to do tasks for her. She usually delivered messages herself.

"What is it?" Takiko asked. The Chirithy looked down ashamed. Takiko's eyes widened almost certain of what had happened. He prayed he was wrong.

"She's sorry." Chirithy said softly. Takiko looked to the ground, his eyes softening as his fears were confirmed.

"Did, did she..." He asked, though he already knew the answer. He couldn't finish the thought. Lyra had been turning out to be extremely talented. Takiko was almost certain she would make it. She must've been skilled at masking the darkness eating away at her heart.

"Yeah, a Heartless got her," Chirithy said. It plopped down onto the ground in front of Takiko. It hid its face in its paws. It was ashamed of itself for failing. Takiko gently placed a hand on the Chirithy's head.

"Thank you for everything you've done, Chirithy." He said. The Chirithy looked up at him.

"I obviously didn't do that great of a job." Chirithy said frowning. Takiko shook his head.

"You did the best you could. Thank you. Without you, I'm sure she would have been lost much sooner." Takiko insisted. The Chirithy nodded, brightening up a little. It rubbed against Takiko's hand like a cat would. Takiko couldn't help but smile at it.

"Yeah." Chirithy agreed. It stood up once more. "Can you pass the message on to her friend. They meet here every day at noon, I don't think I'll make it that long." It said sadly. Takiko nodded, removing his hand from the Chirithy's head.

"Of course. Whatever afterlife you have, may Kingdom Hearts protect your spirit." He said. The Chirithy gave him a grateful look before walking away from him.

"Thank you." Chirithy said before disappearing in a ball of smoke. Takiko stood and returned to his place at the fountain. Judging from the sun noon wasn't too far off. He could wait for the friend Lyra always met.

The fact that the young mint haired girl was gone wasn't settling well with Takiko. She was fairly new, what could unsettle her so much? Most who couldn't handle being a keyblade wielder fell into darkness much sooner. The ones who could handle it usually lasted longer until they started doubting. It was very rare for one to only last a few weeks. Even more strange that in the few weeks she had been in Anguis she had shown great talent. Most of the union members loved her. She was sweet and kind. A true warrior of light. How had she fallen?

Takiko broke out of his thoughts hearing arguing. One voice he recognized immediately. Adiana, from Unicornis. The other was another female voice, but not one Takiko was familiar with. Their arguing was growing more heated by the minute.

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