Chapter XIII; Roles of Our Destiny

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Annora stood in the back of the crowded plaza. It seemed like a rather open spot for a secret society meeting, but Annora didn't complain. It made it easy for her to sneak in and listen without having to agree to join. She still wasn't too sure of these Dandelions. Skuld had been so convinced by the idea. And apparently, Ephemer had been too. But Annora still worried.

"Today you are here to continue training for our mission. This session may seem the same to you, but in a different made of dreams. You are our hope." Master Ava said stepping forward. The attention of every keyblade wielder in the plaza turned toward her in a second flat. But Master Ava did not falter in the slightest. She continued her speech with her head held high.

"A war will wage. Those who strive to protect the light will turn their weapons on their allies for the sake of loyalty to their unions. To be honest, I don't know how far I can guide you all. What you must remember is that anyone can lose themselves to the darkness." She paused momentarily for effect. Beside her, Kamiko looked nervous. "However, this war will be different, there will be no victors. Everything will be lost. And so, when the time comes and there is war, you must not fight but instead you must fly far away from here to the world outside. This training is to help you fulfill this crucial task. The future is in all your hands- as is the world's light. May your heart be your guiding key."

Her words rung strong and clear. It put strength in those who had gathered for the cause. It was suddenly clear why the young girl had been chosen as a master. She had strength Annora could only wish for.

The plaza cleared out, each Dandelion going on their assigned task. Annora found herself hidden where she had been standing. Her back was up against a wall. She would wait until she was sure the coast was clear. Then she would leave.

"You really have faith in them." Annora heard Kamiko remark. Master Ava was silent for a moment.

"I have to." She said simply, sounding much more afraid than she had been.

"Don't worry. They'll be able to do it. I'm sure." Kamiko said encouragingly. Annora found herself hoping Kamiko wasn't lying. They would need every last Dandelion they could get.


Usually, Kamiko would spend all day with Ava if there was a Dandelion meeting. Though she wasn't a member Kamiko knew Ava needed the help. With things getting progressively worse by the day, Ava needed every bit of help she could get. But today Kamiko decided there was something even more important she had to do. Which was why she and Takiko were once again looking to find Jax.

Jax luckily wasn't a difficult find. He was hidden in a back alleyway that was one of his more common hideouts. He was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed, moodily staring at the ground.

"Jax, we really need to talk to you." Kamiko said catching his attention. She and her brother stopped in front of him as he looked up. Jax looked at the two calmly before answering.

"About?" Jax asked curiously. Kamiko frowned and looked to Takiko.

"Your master planning on summoning Kingdom Hearts." Takiko said simply. Jax looked away, his bangs hiding his expression. Kamiko chewed her lip nervously waiting for him to reply. He didn't.

"You can't let him. It's dangerous and he could die." Kamiko said after the pause.

"Seriously. If he goes through with it hell will follow." Takiko added on. He was watching his sister more than Jax. She was clearly distressed by the idea.

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